B.101.n Balance Sheet of Nonprofit Organizations (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Description Series code 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Line
Nonprofit organizations; total assets FL162000005 5489.6 5669.6 6144.8 6881.8 7319.6 7620.1 8059.2 8592.8 8756.4 1
Nonprofit organizations; nonfinancial assets FL162010005 2256.9 2399.2 2557.5 2885.1 3114.1 3391.8 3613.5 3902.2 3965.7 2
Nonprofit organizations; real estate at market value (2) FL165035005 1854.3 1962.5 2089.1 2385.5 2589.6 2840.9 3035.7 3293.1 3318.3 3
Nonprofit organizations; equipment, current cost basis (3) FL165015205 284.8 307.3 326.9 346.1 363.9 383.6 402.2 424.1 451.5 4
Nonprofit organizations; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis (3) FL165013765 117.8 129.4 141.5 153.4 160.6 167.3 175.6 185.0 195.9 5
Nonprofit organizations; total financial assets FL164090005 3232.7 3270.4 3587.3 3996.7 4205.5 4228.3 4445.7 4690.6 4790.7 6
Nonprofit organizations; cash and non-interest-bearing deposits; asset FL163020005 97.4 104.8 111.0 121.8 134.9 146.4 158.3 170.2 182.0 7
Nonprofit organizations; other deposits and short-term investments; asset (4) FL163030205 232.8 234.7 254.8 257.5 257.5 250.9 245.2 247.5 245.5 8
Nonprofit organizations; money market fund shares; asset FL163034003 66.6 60.1 55.1 58.5 69.2 74.6 84.4 85.5 90.3 9
Nonprofit organizations; debt securities; asset LM164022005 272.0 275.5 268.6 254.6 282.2 282.4 292.2 303.5 309.0 10
Nonprofit organizations; U.S. government and municipal securities; asset (5) LM163061005 102.9 101.7 92.9 86.2 110.9 109.0 115.4 122.3 127.4 11
Nonprofit organizations; corporate and foreign bonds; asset (market value) LM163063005 169.1 173.9 175.7 168.5 171.3 173.3 176.9 181.3 181.6 12
Nonprofit organizations; loans; asset FL164023005 207.1 192.4 183.1 185.8 179.9 183.1 183.7 180.9 180.9 13
Nonprofit organizations; total mortgages held by private foundations; asset FL163065013 0.9 0.9 1.1 0.8 1.1 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 14
Nonprofit organizations; consumer credit, student loans; asset FL163066223 71.3 67.1 58.0 51.8 47.6 44.9 41.3 34.8 30.4 15
Nonprofit organizations; other notes and loans receivable; asset (6) FL164041005 134.8 124.4 124.0 133.2 131.2 137.4 141.3 145.1 149.3 16
Nonprofit organizations; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset LM163064005 1064.3 1052.9 1230.5 1494.7 1552.6 1513.8 1622.6 1765.8 1772.2 17
Nonprofit organizations; grants and trade receivables; asset FL163070005 184.2 198.6 207.6 213.2 240.7 241.0 251.2 261.0 269.3 18
Nonprofit organizations; unidentified miscellaneous assets (7) FL163093005 1108.4 1151.4 1276.7 1410.5 1488.3 1536.1 1608.1 1676.2 1741.6 19
Nonprofit organizations; total liabilities FL164190005 1435.0 1519.6 1589.3 1609.6 1723.3 1808.6 1892.5 1981.8 2068.6 20
Nonprofit organizations; municipal securities; liability FL163162003 270.7 263.3 249.0 234.4 227.7 219.5 216.4 218.8 218.6 21
Nonprofit organizations; loans; liability FL164123005 247.0 254.1 269.3 276.2 291.7 302.2 313.7 325.6 337.1 22
Nonprofit organizations; commercial mortgages; liability FL163165505 198.3 204.0 212.8 221.7 228.3 238.8 247.7 256.7 266.0 23
Nonprofit organizations; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL163168005 48.6 50.0 56.6 54.6 63.3 63.4 66.1 68.9 71.2 24
Nonprofit organizations; Sallie Mae private academic facilities financing and warehousing advances; liability FL163169385 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25
Nonprofit organizations; trade payables; liability FL163170005 273.9 293.9 301.0 295.4 322.1 341.3 358.9 378.5 397.4 26
Nonprofit organizations; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities (8) FL163193005 643.5 708.4 769.9 803.5 881.9 945.6 1003.5 1058.9 1115.6 27
Nonprofit organizations; net worth FL162090005 4054.6 4150.0 4555.5 5272.2 5596.2 5811.5 6166.7 6611.0 6687.8 28
Nonprofit organizations; total financial assets held by private foundations FL164090015 606.9 609.3 658.1 743.1 784.9 786.2 832.4 886.8 904.3 29
Nonprofit organizations; total financial assets held by 501c3-9 organizations FL164090025 2625.9 2661.1 2929.2 3253.6 3420.6 3442.1 3613.3 3803.8 3886.4 30


  1. Includes private foundations, including charitable trusts, and organizations that are tax-exempt under Sections 501(c)(3) through 501(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code. Does not include religious organizations or organizations with less than $25,000 in gross annual receipts. Most financial asset and liability information from annual tax data available through 2014; values after 2014 are staff estimates.
  2. Residential and nonresidential real estate at market value.
  3. At replacement (current) cost.
  4. Includes interest-bearing checking and savings accounts, deposits in transit, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, and U.S. Treasury bills or other governmental obligations that mature in one year or less.
  5. Excludes the short-term debt securities included in line 16.
  6. Includes some loans that are not included in household and nonprofit organizations' holdings of other loans and advances (table B.101, line 20).
  7. Includes pledges receivable, receivables from officers and disqualified persons, prepaid expenses and deferred charges, other investments, and other financial assets. Not included on table B.101.
  8. Not included on table B.101.
Last Update: March 7, 2019