L.231 Total Miscellaneous Financial Claims
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Description Series code 2016 2017 2018 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2018 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 Line
All sectors; total miscellaneous liabilities FL893190005 19754.0 19662.3 19677.1 19882.5 19662.3 19788.4 19387.5 19343.9 19677.1 1
Life insurance companies, general accounts; deferred and unpaid life insurance premiums; asset FL543077073 31.3 33.1 36.0 33.2 33.1 35.5 35.4 36.2 36.0 2
Nonfinancial corporate business; total miscellaneous liabilities FL103190005 4651.5 4329.2 3640.6 4378.7 4329.2 4315.1 3802.6 3728.2 3640.6 3
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL113193003 1406.2 1447.1 1485.7 1432.0 1447.1 1457.1 1471.2 1478.2 1485.7 4
Federal government; total miscellaneous liabilities FL313190005 2009.5 2005.2 1951.8 2039.6 2005.2 2013.1 2028.5 2008.7 1951.8 5
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset FL223073045 4216.6 4053.9 4724.3 4110.0 4053.9 4158.0 4211.5 4220.1 4724.3 6
Monetary authority; total miscellaneous liabilities FL713190005 63.1 86.2 88.6 101.0 86.2 113.4 94.6 85.2 88.6 7
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; total miscellaneous liabilities FL763190005 2984.3 3104.7 3059.7 3146.3 3104.7 3054.4 3065.5 3062.9 3059.7 8
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; total miscellaneous liabilities FL753190005 196.6 193.2 182.7 183.8 193.2 205.2 205.5 204.0 182.7 9
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL743193005 4.1 4.4 3.5 3.9 4.4 4.1 4.1 3.4 3.5 10
Credit unions; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL473193005 17.2 18.3 19.3 17.7 18.3 18.5 18.9 19.4 19.3 11
Property-casualty insurance companies; total miscellaneous liabilities FL513190005 1236.9 1342.9 1429.4 1371.0 1342.9 1349.1 1370.3 1399.8 1429.4 12
Life insurance companies; total miscellaneous liabilities FL543190005 1370.5 1439.8 1452.4 1432.2 1439.8 1447.5 1451.1 1469.3 1452.4 13
Government-sponsored enterprises; total miscellaneous liabilities FL403190005 110.1 110.5 108.6 109.4 110.5 109.1 111.5 111.5 108.6 14
Finance companies; total miscellaneous liabilities FL613190005 358.1 354.2 286.0 332.5 354.2 332.6 310.2 288.4 286.0 15
Real estate investment trusts; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL643193005 96.7 101.5 118.8 112.9 101.5 98.1 105.0 113.0 118.8 16
Security brokers and dealers; total miscellaneous liabilities FL663190005 385.3 341.3 310.4 364.6 341.3 330.7 338.3 357.6 310.4 17
Holding companies; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL733193005 -66.9 -81.6 -83.1 -88.5 -81.6 -85.2 -83.0 -78.7 -83.1 18
Funding corporations; total miscellaneous liabilities FL503190005 455.0 523.6 579.0 560.6 523.6 564.5 557.2 567.8 579.0 19
Rest of the world; total miscellaneous liabilities FL263190005 227.8 254.7 283.3 241.8 254.7 267.8 289.4 268.8 283.3 20
All sectors; total miscellaneous assets FL893090005 29481.8 29581.5 31043.8 29630.5 29581.5 30183.8 30420.6 30392.8 31043.8 21
Households and nonprofit organizations; total miscellaneous assets FL153090005 1138.8 1191.9 1259.2 1183.9 1191.9 1207.4 1217.0 1236.2 1259.2 22
Nonfinancial corporate business; total miscellaneous assets FL103090005 8076.3 8232.0 8663.7 8068.4 8232.0 8569.6 8609.2 8601.8 8663.7 23
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total miscellaneous assets FL113090005 3728.0 4022.9 4269.5 3916.6 4022.9 4084.0 4175.7 4225.5 4269.5 24
Federal government; total miscellaneous assets FL313090005 186.2 197.0 212.0 192.3 197.0 199.4 205.4 208.8 212.0 25
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL213093003 135.3 132.3 128.6 131.2 132.3 128.6 127.6 130.0 128.6 26
Monetary authority; total miscellaneous assets FL713090005 205.0 196.5 167.4 190.5 196.5 183.6 175.6 168.2 167.4 27
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; total miscellaneous assets FL763090005 578.6 501.1 491.9 542.2 501.1 514.9 521.6 527.1 491.9 28
Foreign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL753093005 63.3 103.2 74.5 77.1 103.2 98.0 102.9 92.8 74.5 29
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL743093005 41.6 33.9 35.5 33.0 33.9 34.2 35.2 34.7 35.5 30
Credit unions; total miscellaneous assets FL473090005 77.6 79.0 78.8 78.0 79.0 87.1 84.0 83.6 78.8 31
Property-casualty insurance companies; total miscellaneous assets FL513090005 446.3 493.9 512.9 515.7 493.9 495.0 494.2 505.3 512.9 32
Life insurance companies; total miscellaneous assets FL543090005 605.6 599.2 640.2 621.0 599.2 608.7 608.5 628.2 640.2 33
Private pension funds; total miscellaneous assets FL573090005 1889.9 1715.8 1940.8 1792.4 1715.8 1769.6 1759.1 1709.6 1940.8 34
Federal government defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension funds on sponsor; asset FL343073045 1731.4 1718.0 1650.9 1764.1 1718.0 1726.3 1740.4 1721.5 1650.9 35
State and local government employee retirement funds; miscellaneous assets FL223090005 4581.8 4479.5 5169.7 4521.0 4479.5 4585.7 4649.6 4661.9 5169.7 36
Money market funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL633093005 7.3 6.6 8.1 6.2 6.6 6.2 7.3 7.2 8.1 37
Mutual funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL653093005 227.0 293.1 138.1 281.4 293.1 277.3 259.4 258.2 138.1 38
Exchange-traded funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets (commodity funds) LM563093003 62.8 68.9 65.9 69.0 68.9 71.7 68.9 63.4 65.9 39
Government-sponsored enterprises; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL403093005 150.7 111.0 94.9 134.6 111.0 104.6 107.0 101.0 94.9 40
Issuers of asset-backed securities; funding agreements backing securities; asset FL673090543 70.7 82.7 85.7 84.0 82.7 85.4 86.8 87.6 85.7 41
Finance companies; total miscellaneous assets FL613090005 44.7 28.6 41.8 27.3 28.6 23.4 30.8 25.7 41.8 42
Real estate investment trusts; total miscellaneous assets FL643090005 169.0 180.5 210.6 177.6 180.5 192.3 194.2 202.8 210.6 43
Security brokers and dealers; total miscellaneous assets FL663090005 734.1 721.9 691.5 774.1 721.9 723.5 723.4 734.8 691.5 44
Holding companies; total miscellaneous assets FL733090005 3698.9 3592.0 3559.5 3651.3 3592.0 3570.6 3572.0 3518.9 3559.5 45
Funding corporations; equity investment in own subsidiaries; asset FL503094505 791.0 749.6 799.2 748.7 749.6 786.2 813.8 806.1 799.2 46
Rest of the world; assumed policy payables by U.S. reinsurers from non-U.S. insurers; liability FL263076005 39.8 50.1 52.8 49.1 50.1 50.5 51.0 52.0 52.8 47
Instrument discrepancies; total miscellaneous assets FL903090005 -9727.8 -9919.2 -11366.7 -9748.0 -9919.2 -10395.4 -11033.1 -11048.9 -11366.7 48

Last Update: March 7, 2019