F.130 Security Brokers and Dealers
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates
Description Series code 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2020 Q1 Line
Security brokers and dealers; gross saving including foreign earnings retained abroad less net capital transfers paid (1) FA666000105 26.8 10.7 12.3 27.2 27.4 28.4 29.2 24.1 -18.4 1
Security brokers and dealers; gross fixed investment, nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products FA665013005 26.8 30.2 33.0 34.8 34.5 34.8 35.0 35.0 34.9 2
Security brokers and dealers; total financial assets FA664090005 -21.6 74.7 261.8 109.7 95.2 509.1 447.6 -613.0 1228.7 3
Security brokers and dealers; checkable deposits and currency; asset FA663020003 13.1 -0.2 7.3 -1.0 -69.8 40.4 0.4 24.9 147.0 4
Security brokers and dealers; security repurchase agreements; asset FA662051003 -20.6 -3.7 206.2 80.8 13.3 178.8 413.2 -282.2 347.8 5
Security brokers and dealers; debt securities; asset FA664022005 11.3 -2.7 154.7 -74.3 -113.9 -65.2 -7.6 -110.4 40.0 6
Security brokers and dealers; commercial paper; asset FA663069103 -5.7 -4.5 2.1 -2.9 9.9 -7.8 7.2 -20.9 48.7 7
Security brokers and dealers; Treasury securities; asset FA663061105 36.4 22.3 139.1 -73.1 -107.9 -111.6 -74.8 1.9 -91.0 8
Security brokers and dealers; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FA663061703 -12.6 -14.5 18.3 28.9 34.9 83.2 16.7 -19.2 58.1 9
Security brokers and dealers; municipal securities; asset FA663062003 7.7 5.1 -5.3 -5.2 -18.9 6.6 7.3 -15.6 -10.0 10
Security brokers and dealers; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FA663063005 -14.5 -11.1 0.5 -22.0 -31.9 -35.6 36.0 -56.6 34.2 11
Security brokers and dealers; other loans and advances; asset FA663069005 -8.4 69.7 -23.8 35.1 -27.3 81.2 12.4 74.0 85.2 12
Security brokers and dealers; corporate equities; asset FA663064103 -5.4 -26.3 -19.9 -22.8 -35.1 62.2 -23.2 -94.9 54.3 13
Security brokers and dealers; U.S. direct investment abroad (market value); asset FA663092003 21.7 8.0 -8.1 12.3 24.8 20.0 6.1 -1.8 -6.1 14
Security brokers and dealers; total miscellaneous assets FA663090005 -33.4 29.9 -54.6 79.6 303.1 191.7 46.2 -222.5 560.6 15
Security brokers and dealers; total liabilities FA664190005 37.8 111.7 224.2 159.6 162.1 567.3 488.2 -579.2 1338.7 16
Security brokers and dealers; security repurchase agreements; liability FA662151003 -55.2 79.4 305.9 56.6 -36.4 368.4 369.1 -474.9 243.8 17
Security brokers and dealers; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FA663163003 -2.2 56.5 -1.7 -10.0 -8.5 95.9 -90.1 -37.4 331.7 18
Security brokers and dealers; loans; liability FA664123005 8.1 -40.7 2.1 23.4 -43.6 36.7 132.9 -32.5 831.2 19
Security brokers and dealers; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FA663168005 12.1 14.1 3.8 1.9 -10.0 9.5 7.0 1.0 255.8 20
Households and nonprofit organizations; cash accounts at brokers and dealers FA153067005 -4.0 -54.9 -1.7 21.5 -33.6 27.2 125.9 -33.5 575.5 21
Security brokers and dealers; corporate equities; liability FA663164103 -1.3 9.3 -2.3 22.1 8.6 64.7 2.6 12.5 31.3 22
Security brokers and dealers; trade payables; liability FA663170003 10.4 7.9 -27.8 -1.0 -7.5 0.5 1.8 1.2 17.5 23
Security brokers and dealers; total taxes payable; liability FA663178005 0.1 10.3 0.5 -1.4 2.6 -0.7 -1.1 -6.6 5.3 24
Security brokers and dealers; foreign direct investment in U.S. (market value), adjusted for U.S. Intermediate Holding Companies; liability FA663192005 -113.1 34.1 -29.4 46.1 60.2 28.8 53.8 41.5 -112.0 25
Security brokers and dealers; total miscellaneous liabilities FA663190005 173.6 -46.1 -32.8 18.7 185.8 -26.9 10.3 -94.5 -15.5 26
Security brokers and dealers; equity investment by parent companies; liability FA663194005 228.3 -77.0 14.4 67.6 156.8 -24.3 79.6 58.4 -56.6 27
Security brokers and dealers; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FA663193005 -54.7 30.9 -47.2 -48.9 29.0 -2.6 -69.3 -152.9 41.1 28
Security brokers and dealers; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business FA662090003 17.3 1.0 9.5 5.2 0.7 -0.0 8.8 11.5 5.3 29
Security brokers and dealers; sector discrepancy FA667005005 59.4 17.4 -58.3 42.3 59.8 51.8 34.8 22.9 56.6 30


  1. Net capital transfers paid from table F.5, line 58.
Last Update: June 11, 2020