Financial Accounts Matrix--Levels for 2021
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Nonfinancial Business;
Nonfinancial Business;
Federal Government;
Federal Government;
State and Local Governments;
State and Local Governments;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Rest of the World;
Rest of the World;
All Sectors;
All Sectors;
Instrument Discrep- ancy;
Total financial assets 117920.8 -- 32094.4 -- 3597.2 -- 4416.4 -- 158028.8 -- 135456.8 -- 47431.4 -- 340917 -- -3579.4
Total liabilities and equity -- 18364 -- 111297.1 -- 28128.8 -- 7965.9 -- 165755.8 -- 141593 -- 29988.9 -- 337337.7 --
Total liabilities and equity; Total liabilities -- 18364 -- 33299.2 -- 28128.8 -- 7965.9 -- 87757.9 -- 123097.5 -- 8217.1 -- 219072.5 --
U.S. official reserve assets -- -- -- -- 219.9 160.8 -- -- 219.9 160.8 31.2 -- 160.8 240.1 411.9 400.9 -11
SDR certificates -- -- -- -- -- 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 --
Treasury currency -- -- -- -- -- 23 -- -- -- 23 50.8 -- -- -- 50.8 23 -27.8
Foreign deposits 48.2 -- 152.3 -- -- -- -- -- 200.6 -- 19.4 -- -- 857.2 220 857.2 637.3
Interbank claims -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3747.1 3951.2 219.8 -- 3966.9 3951.2 -15.7
Checkable dep. and currency 4296.7 -- 2341.8 -- 410.1 -- 345.6 -- 7394.2 -- 758.7 9359.2 1204.7 -- 9357.6 9359.2 1.6
Time and savings deposits 11235.4 -- 1531.4 -- 2.4 -- 382.4 -- 13151.5 -- 604.1 14438.1 682.5 -- 14438.1 14438.1 --
Money market fund shares 2803.9 -- 932.6 -- -- -- 55.3 -- 3791.8 -- 1256 5205.5 157.7 -- 5205.5 5205.5 --
Fed. Funds and security repos -- -- 24.7 -- -- -- 189.2 -- 213.9 -- 4655.6 4681.9 1365.4 1173 6235 5854.9 -380
Debt securities 2860.4 199.7 467.5 7492.1 0.5 25304.5 2150.6 3245.6 5479 36242 38273 15761.5 13606.6 4232.4 57358.6 56235.9 -1122.7
Debt securities; Open market paper -- -- 253.5 138.2 -- -- 81.1 -- 334.6 138.2 616.4 529.4 138.3 421.7 1089.4 1089.4 --
Debt securities; Treasury securities 593.2 -- 163.8 -- -- 25284.7 1437.4 -- 2194.3 25284.7 15697 -- 7747.7 -- 25639 25284.7 -354.3
Debt securities; Agency- and GSE-backed sec. 252.4 -- 29.2 -- -- 19.8 417.4 -- 699 19.8 8846.3 10679.4 1250.3 -- 10795.6 10699.1 -96.4
Debt securities; Municipal securities 1799.5 199.7 21 615 -- -- 22.2 3245.6 1842.8 4060.3 2469.5 -- 110.4 -- 4422.7 4060.3 -362.4
Debt securities; Corporate and fgn. bonds 215.4 -- -- 6738.9 0.5 -- 192.4 -- 408.3 6738.9 10643.8 4552.8 4359.9 3810.7 15412 15102.4 -309.6
Loans 1337.6 17743.2 145.7 11157.2 2104.4 -- 265 22.6 3852.6 28922.9 27255.1 2304 1026.1 907 32133.9 32133.9 --
Loans; Depository inst. loans n.e.c. -- 423.8 -- 2642.5 -- -- -- -- -- 3066.4 4346.9 426.1 -- 854.4 4346.9 4346.9 --
Loans; Other loans and advances 1239.3 867.4 -- 2740 534.9 -- -- 22.6 1774.2 3629.9 2512.8 1630.5 1026.1 52.6 5313.1 5313.1 --
Loans; Mortgages 75.9 12021.1 109.8 5774.7 133.1 -- 265 -- 583.8 17795.8 17459.3 247.3 -- -- 18043.1 18043.1 --
Loans; Consumer credit 22.4 4430.8 35.8 -- 1436.4 -- -- -- 1494.6 4430.8 2936.2 -- -- -- 4430.8 4430.8 --
Corporate equities 31797.7 -- 3123.8 51407.7 33.2 -- 306.4 -- 35261 51407.7 31311.1 16628.1 13485.7 12022.1 80057.8 80057.8 --
Mutual fund shares 12711.9 -- 433.9 -- -- -- 128 -- 13273.8 -- 7774.3 22208.8 1160.7 -- 22208.8 22208.8 --
Trade credit 285.9 383 5372.9 3836.8 95.5 512.7 268 1149.8 6022.2 5882.3 412.1 487 511.1 84.8 6945.4 6454.1 -491.3
Life insurance reserves 1944.9 -- -- -- -- 52.6 -- -- 1944.9 52.6 556.1 2344 0.2 104.6 2501.2 2501.2 --
Pension entitlements 31816.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 31816.1 -- 380 32026.6 0.7 170.2 32196.7 32196.7 --
Taxes payable -- -- -- 428.8 477.7 -- 199 -- 676.8 428.8 -- 152.9 -- -- 676.8 581.8 -95
Equity in noncorp. business 15355.3 -- -- 15249.2 -- -- -- -- 15355.3 15249.2 -- 106.1 -- -- 15355.3 15355.3 --
U.S. direct investment: debt -- -- 13.4 -- -- -- -- -- 13.4 -- 2.8 -- -- 16.3 16.3 16.3 --
U.S. direct investment: equity -- -- 8044.9 -- -- -- -- -- 8044.9 -- 1704.7 -- -- 9749.7 9749.7 9749.7 --
Foreign direct investment: debt -- -- -- 335.5 -- -- -- -- -- 335.5 -- 170.5 505.9 -- 505.9 505.9 --
Foreign direct investment: equity -- -- -- 11341 -- -- -- -- -- 11341 -- 1761.4 13102.4 -- 13102.4 13102.4 --
Miscellaneous 1426.8 38.1 9509.5 10048.8 253.7 2070 127 3547.9 11317 15704.8 16659.3 10006.3 241 431.6 28217.3 26142.7 -2074.6


  1. General notes: A = assets; L = liabilities. Domestic nonfinancial sectors (columns 9 and 10) are households and nonprofit organizations, nonfinancial business, state and local governments, and federal government. Equity included in line 2 is the sum of corporate equities (line 24),# equity in noncorporate business (line 30), and foreign direct investment in the U.S. (FDI) equity (line 34) for domestic sectors or U.S. direct investment abroad equity for the rest of the world (line 32). The matrix shows a discrepancy in column 17 for monetary gold (line 4) # because by international accounting convention, monetary gold is a financial asset without a corresponding liability.
Last Update: September 9, 2022