L.210 Treasury Securities (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2021 2022 2022 Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 Line
Federal government; Treasury securities; liability FL313161105 25284.7 26831.6 26016.5 26050.7 26468.7 26831.6 26955.7 27748 28649.1 1
Federal government; marketable Treasury securities; liability FL313161205 22557.5 23845 23246.1 23253.4 23616.7 23845 24282 24772.4 25630.2 2
Federal government; Treasury bills; liability FL313161110 3768 3696.2 3927.3 3522.6 3643.7 3696.2 4067.5 4465.7 5259.3 3
Federal government; other marketable Treasury securities; liability FL313161275 18783.5 20144 19312.8 19725.9 19968.2 20144 20209.7 20301.2 20365.3 4
Federal government; long-term marketable Treasury securities issued to the Civil Service Retirement Fund through the Federal Financing Bank; liability (2) FL313161283 6.1 4.8 6.1 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 5.5 5.5 5
Federal government; nonmarketable Treasury securities; liability FL313161305 2727.2 2986.6 2770.4 2797.3 2852 2986.6 2673.6 2975.6 3018.9 6
Federal government; U.S. savings securities; liability FL313161400 146.1 173.4 149.7 160.3 166.2 173.4 177.7 178.2 175.6 7
State and local governments; State and local government series securities (SLGS); asset FL213061120 109.7 99.9 118.3 108.2 109.2 99.9 98.2 90.5 94.2 8
Federal government defined contribution retirement funds; Treasury securities held by Thrift Savings Plan G Fund; asset FL343061123 285.7 292.6 313.2 318.5 315.4 292.6 22.3 294.1 293.4 9
Federal government defined benefit retirement funds; nonmarketable Treasury securities; asset FL343061145 2149 2387.6 2153.1 2176 2226.4 2387.6 2342 2381.1 2423.7 10
Other financial business; nonmarketable Treasury securities held by Federal Reserve credit facility LLCs; asset FL503061303 18.1 13.3 18.1 15.3 15.4 13.3 13.4 11.8 11.9 11
Federal government; other nonmarketable Treasury securities; liability FL313161375 18.6 19.8 18.1 18.9 19.4 19.8 20 19.9 20.2 12
All sectors; Treasury securities; asset FL893061105 25661.5 24610 25348 24663.1 24189.3 24610 25142.5 25559.8 25820 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; Treasury securities; asset LM153061105 607.6 1633.9 835.4 850 1237.7 1633.9 2099 2259.9 2404.4 14
Federal government; U.S. savings securities; liability FL313161400 146.1 173.4 149.7 160.3 166.2 173.4 177.7 178.2 175.6 15
Households and nonprofit organizations; Treasury securities, excluding U.S. savings securities; asset LM153061185 461.5 1460.5 685.8 689.7 1071.5 1460.5 1921.3 2081.8 2228.8 16
Nonfinancial corporate business; Treasury securities; asset LM103061103 79.7 91.7 75.1 81.2 80.6 91.7 92.3 106.6 111.2 17
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total U.S. government securities; asset LM113061003 71.3 71.9 67.5 69.4 70.9 71.9 72 72.8 73.5 18
State and local governments; Treasury securities, including SLGS; asset LM213061105 1440.7 1563.3 1420 1555.5 1529.4 1563.3 1648.9 1645.8 1617.3 19
State and local governments; State and local government series securities (SLGS); asset FL213061120 109.7 99.9 118.3 108.2 109.2 99.9 98.2 90.5 94.2 20
State and local governments; Treasury securities, excluding SLGS; asset LM213061103 1331 1463.4 1301.7 1447.3 1420.2 1463.4 1550.7 1555.3 1523.1 21
Monetary authority; total Treasury securities; asset LM713061103 6052.1 5056.4 5851.4 5563.8 5186.5 5056.4 4960.2 4702.9 4367.4 22
Monetary authority; Treasury bills; asset LM713061113 325.9 286.4 325.4 324.5 307.4 286.4 277.9 266.1 236 23
Monetary authority; other Treasury securities, excluding Treasury bills; asset LM713061125 5726.1 4770 5526 5239.3 4879.1 4770 4682.3 4436.8 4131.4 24
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; Treasury securities; asset LM763061100 1472.3 1388.9 1471.3 1488.5 1407.7 1388.9 1301 1235.2 1240.9 25
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; Treasury securities; asset LM753061103 86.9 89.5 89.4 96 92.5 89.5 92.3 98.8 90 26
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; Treasury securities; asset LM743061103 19.6 23.5 19.6 23 26.8 23.5 23 22.8 22.5 27
Credit unions; Treasury securities; asset LM473061105 62.6 78.4 74 79.5 79.1 78.4 76.7 77.5 79.9 28
Property-casualty insurance companies; Treasury securities, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset LM513061105 187.9 212.9 164.9 172.7 182.9 212.9 223 226.5 254.1 29
Property-casualty insurance companies; Treasury bills, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset LM513061115 54.3 68 37.2 44.7 50.3 68 72.5 74.6 99.4 30
Property-casualty insurance companies; other Treasury securities, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers, excluding Treasury bills; asset LM513061125 133.6 144.9 127.7 128 132.7 144.9 150.5 151.9 154.7 31
Life insurance companies; Treasury securities; asset LM543061105 231.4 178.4 209.6 193.4 183.9 178.4 182.9 185.4 180.4 32
Life insurance companies; Treasury bills, including those held by U.S. captive reinsurers; asset LM543061115 9.4 17.1 10.8 11.6 15.3 17.1 16.2 17.8 18.5 33
Life insurance companies; other Treasury securities, including those held by U.S. captive reinsurers, excluding Treasury bills; asset LM543061125 222 161.3 198.7 181.7 168.7 161.3 166.7 167.6 161.9 34
Private pension funds; Treasury securities; asset LM573061105 507.8 512.1 482.1 475.3 479.9 512.1 566.8 592.3 576.7 35
Private defined benefit pension funds; Treasury securities; asset LM573061143 291.3 275.4 275.1 265.4 263.1 275.4 305.6 322.5 311.6 36
Private defined contribution pension funds; Treasury securities; asset LM573061133 216.5 236.7 207 209.9 216.7 236.7 261.1 269.8 265 37
Federal government retirement funds; Treasury securities; asset (3) LM343061105 2456.8 2698.2 2487.3 2512.9 2559 2698.2 2382.8 2694.5 2735.7 38
Federal government defined benefit retirement funds; Treasury securities; asset LM343061165 2156.2 2393.2 2160.2 2181.8 2232 2393.2 2347.6 2387.4 2429.9 39
Federal government defined contribution retirement funds; Treasury securities held by Thrift Savings Plan; asset LM343061155 300.6 305 327 331.1 327 305 35.2 307.1 305.8 40
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; Treasury securities; asset LM223061143 411.3 323.4 379.9 352.2 315.8 323.4 361.7 383.1 379.7 41
Money market funds; Treasury securities; asset FL633061105 1814.7 1064 1759.4 1459 1256.1 1064 1040.8 1244 1767.1 42
Money market funds; Treasury bills; asset FL633061110 1197.1 602 1155.5 902.5 767 602 665.2 888.5 1422.4 43
Money market funds; Other Treasury securities, excluding Treasury bills; asset FL633061120 617.6 462 603.9 556.5 489.2 462 375.6 355.5 344.8 44
Mutual funds; Treasury securities; asset (market value) LM653061105 1594 1349.9 1528.3 1427.8 1345.8 1349.9 1370.8 1349.4 1306.1 45
Mutual funds; Treasury bills; asset LM653061113 57.4 12.7 53.4 45.8 22.2 12.7 15.8 12.1 12.8 46
Mutual funds; other Treasury securities, excluding Treasury bills (includes all Treasury securities before 2010:Q4); asset LM653061125 1536.6 1337.2 1474.9 1382 1323.7 1337.2 1354.9 1337.4 1293.3 47
Closed-end funds; Treasury securities; asset LM553061103 3.1 2.4 2.9 3.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.2 48
Exchange-traded funds; Treasury securities; asset LM563061103 332.1 400.6 336.3 362.6 381.5 400.6 451.6 460.6 468.6 49
Government-sponsored enterprises; Treasury securities; asset LM403061105 202.4 155.6 210.4 180.6 168.3 155.6 149.8 151.5 150.9 50
Issuers of asset-backed securities; Treasury securities; asset FL673061103 31.9 36.4 34.5 35.7 36.3 36.4 36.4 34.5 33.2 51
Security brokers and dealers; Treasury securities (net); asset LM663061105 99 170.7 83.4 89.5 127 170.7 265.9 257.9 248.1 52
Holding companies; Treasury securities; asset LM733061103 92.6 133.3 99.8 120.6 130.6 133.3 122.6 121.7 126.4 53
Other financial business; Treasury securities; asset FL503061105 63.6 56.1 61 53.4 56.9 56.1 61.6 70.9 67.7 54
Rest of the world; Treasury securities; asset LM263061105 7740.4 7318.5 7604.4 7416.9 7251.5 7318.5 7558.1 7562.9 7516 55
Rest of the world; Treasury bills and certificates; asset LM263061110 987.4 950 1008.4 895.4 919.6 950 962.6 921.4 1032.6 56
Rest of the world; other Treasury securities, excluding Treasury bills and certificates; asset LM263061120 6753 6368.5 6596 6521.5 6331.9 6368.5 6595.5 6641.5 6483.4 57
Instrument discrepancies; Treasury securities (level) (4) LM903061103 -376.8 2221.6 668.5 1387.5 2279.5 2221.6 1813.2 2188.2 2829.1 58


  1. Includes marketable and nonmarketable Treasury securities held by the public (net of premiums and discounts) and Treasury securities held by federal government employee retirement funds. In the Financial Accounts, nonmarketable government securities held by federal government employee defined benefit retirement funds are considered part of the financial business sector as opposed to intragovernmental holdings as reported on the Monthly Statement of the Public Debt.
  2. Long-term marketable securities issued to the Civil Service Retirement Fund by the Federal Financing Bank. These securities are not currently traded in the market.
  3. Comprised primarily of nonmarketable Treasury securities.
  4. The accumulated valuation difference between issuance and holdings.
Last Update: January 3, 2024