Bank Analysis and Examination School

Federal Reserve System Courses

Type of Participant Targeted
The Bank Analysis and Examination School is designed for individuals with approximately 12 to 18 months of relevant experience. Attendees are typically involved in risk-focused supervision, risk management processes, bank examination, loan classification, and surveillance.


Course Overview
This is an intensive course based on risk management and analytical concepts that apply to all areas of supervision: examinations, inspections, surveillance, and applications. The program emphasizes risk-focused examination and its products as well as common analytical and supervisory themes and techniques.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this one-week course, the participant will, at a minimum, be able to

  • discuss and apply risk-focused examination techniques to a bank;
  • analyze the financial condition of a bank using the Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR);
  • use information from a bank examination report and a UBPR to prepare and present an analysis of a bank's condition;
  • understand the CAMELS bank rating system;
  • provide an introductory analysis and classification of a loan; and
  • understand various regulatory and financial topics, including principles of internal controls, information systems, and supervisory strategies.
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Last Update: March 07, 2019