Release Date: July 2024
New Security Issues, U.S. Corporations (Table 1.46) 
Millions of dollars
Type of issue or issuer, or use 2021 2022 2023 Nov 2023 Dec 2023 Jan 2024 Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024
1 All issues, new and refunding 1 2,220,146 1,465,270 1,435,965 143,961 57,701 193,016 235,374 195,285 150,844 213,581 141,885
2 Bonds 2 2,147,922 1,451,822 1,382,740 137,127 55,651 184,749 227,635 183,313 143,153 204,195 133,193
  By type of offering  
3 Sold in the United States 2,104,068 1,414,191 1,361,792 133,326 53,959 183,836 224,967 176,848 139,828 201,078 130,758
4 Sold abroad 43,854 37,631 20,948 3,800 1,692 913 2,668 6,465 3,326 3,117 2,436
5 Private placements, domestic 86,608 60,382 60,942 4,287 4,731 655 716 475 1,243 1,115 129
  By industry group  
6 Nonfinancial 931,155 550,643 619,432 69,297 12,679 69,571 143,385 64,983 47,391 99,864 54,643
7 Financial 1,216,767 901,179 763,308 67,830 42,973 115,178 84,251 118,330 95,763 104,331 78,550
8 Stocks 3 419,345 71,115 64,068 6,985 2,049 8,267 7,748 11,973 7,752 9,386 8,695
  By industry group  
9 Nonfinancial 170,064 32,760 44,563 4,797 1,820 5,999 5,341 7,427 4,974 4,451 6,614
10 Financial 249,281 38,355 19,506 2,188 229 2,268 2,407 4,546 2,778 4,935 2,081
  1. Figures represent gross proceeds of issues maturing in more than one year; they are the principal amount or number of units calculated by multiplying by the offering price. Figures exclude secondary offerings, employee stock plans, investment companies other than closed-end, intracorporate transactions, Yankee bonds, and private placements listed. Stock data include ownership securities issued by limited partnerships.  Return to table
  2. Monthly data include 144(a) offerings.  Return to table
  3. Monthly data include public offerings.  Return to table
Source: Securities Data Company and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
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Last Update: July 26, 2024