Download MDRM

Below is the most current copy of the MDRM Data Dictionary in machine readable format. The zip file contains the MDRM Data Dictionary (.csv) and README (.txt) files.

What's in the MDRM_CSV.csv file?

The MDRM_CSV.csv file is a machine-readable file of the following metadata elements found in the MDRM Data Dictionary:

  • Mnemonic (1st 4 characters)
  • Item Code or Item Number (2nd 4 characters)
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Item Name
  • Confidentiality
  • ItemType or Item Type
  • Reporting Form
  • Description or Item Description
  • SeriesGlossary or Mnemonic Glossary
What is the definition of each of the column headers?
  • Mnemonic - First four characters of the MDRM Identifier that indicates the Reporting Form or overall name of the data collection. The MDRM Identifier is an eight character combination of Mnemonic (4 letters) and Item Code or Item Number (4 numbers) assigned to a specific reporting series or reporting form (e.g. SVGL2170 = Total Assets on the Thrift Call Report)
  • Item Code or Item Number - Second four characters of the MDRM Identifier that indicates what the specific item is. If the description of the item is the same across report forms the Item Code or Item Number is used with all those collections. The MDRM Identifier is an eight character combination of Mnemonic (4 letters) and Item Code or Item Number (4 numbers) assigned to a specific reporting series or reporting form (e.g. SVGL2170 = Total Assets on the Thrift Call Report)
  • Start Date - Initial calendar date on which the collection of a data item or data collection begins
  • End Date - Final calendar date on which the collection of a data item or data collection ends
  • Item Name - Label used for an Item Number or Item Code (e.g. Total Assets is the Item Name for Item Number or Item Code 2170)
  • Confidentiality - Binary setting (Y/N) for whether or not a data item can be shared publically
  • Item Type:
    • J = Projected; Item is a projected value with an associated projection period.
    • D = Derived; Item is derived from other stored variables.
    • F = Financial/reported; Item is submitted by the reporter.
    • R = Rate; Item is stored as a decimal value. E.g. 28% is stored as .28.
    • S = Structure; Item describes an institution.
    • E = Examination/supervision; Item pertains to banking supervision data.
    • P = Percentage; Item is stored as a percentage value. E.g. 28% is stored as 28.
  • Reporting Form - Presentation of a specific collection of data for financial regulatory reporting
  • Description or Item Description - An explanation of what should be reported for a specific item. This information is generally taken from the reporting form instructions.
  • SeriesGlossary or Mnemonic Glossary - Information related to all items which is provided at the mnemonic level rather than the MDRM Identifier level.
How do I open the .csv file using my spreadsheet software?
  1. Click on the link to generate the file "MDRM_CSV.csv"
  2. Save the MDRM_CSV.csv file to your own disk
  3. Open your spreadsheet software
  4. Use the sequence of commands that are the equivalent of FILE > OPEN in your software
  5. Browse to find the MDRM_CSV.csv where you saved it on your own disk
  6. Choose the MDRM_CSV.csv file and click the equivalent of OPEN in your software
What if I have never opened a .csv file with my spreadsheet software?
  1. Click on the link to generate the file "MDRM_CSV.csv"
  2. Save the MDRM_CSV.csv file to your own disk
  3. Open your spreadsheet software
  4. Use the sequence of commands that are the equivalent of FILE > OPEN in your software
  5. Browse to find the MDRM_CSV.csv where you saved it on your own disk
  6. Choose the MDRM_CSV.csv file and click the equivalent of OPEN in your software
  7. If you have never opened a .csv file with your software, you may need to tell your software that you wish to use a specific program to open the .csv file. Once you indicate which software program should open the .csv file, your spreadsheet software should be able to open it going forward without having to ask you again.

PLEASE NOTE: If the MDRM_CSV.csv file is opened in browser it could take a long time to open with the potential to crash the browser.

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Last Update: July 11, 2017