Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDC) are partnerships between federal statistical agencies and leading research institutions. FSRDCs—of which there are more than 30 across the United States—are secure facilities managed by the U.S. Census Bureau wherein researchers with approved projects may access restricted-use microdata for statistical purposes.

The Federal Reserve Board has hosted an FSRDC since late 2019.

For inquiries or for more information about the Federal Reserve Board's FSRDC, please visit the Census Bureau's website.

Restricted-use data:

For more information on the application process for access to restricted-use data, please visit the Census Bureau's website. Find and apply to use restricted data from the federal statistical system at ResearchDataGov.org.

Getting Started

Researchers should consult with the FSRDC administrator about the content and form of a research proposal early in the proposal development process. The FSRDC administrator will help researchers prepare and submit materials according to the current guidelines. The proposal development and application process is time intensive, typically taking between 6 and 12 months depending on the complexity of the project and the researchers' availability for revisions. The administrator can assist researchers in determining data availability and in preparing high-quality proposals.


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Last Update: April 20, 2023