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Jennifer L. Dlugosz


  • Ph.D., Business Economics, Harvard University, 2009
  • B.S., Finance, University of Pennsylvania, 2001
  • B.S., Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 2001
Current Research Topics
  • Financial intermediation
  • Bank regulation & supervision
  • Principal Economist

    Federal Reserve Board

    2020 - present
  • Assistant Professor of Finance

    Washington University in St. Louis

    2013 - 2020
  • Assistant Professor of Finance

    Virginia Tech

    2012 - 2013
  • Economist

    Federal Reserve Board

    2009 - 2012
  • Decision-Making Delegation in Banks
    Jennifer Dlugosz, Yong Kyu Gam, Radhakrishnan Gopalan, and Janis Skrastins
    Management Science (Forthcoming)
  • Who Pays the Price? Overdraft Fee Ceilings and the Unbanked
    Jennifer L. Dlugosz, Brian T. Melzer, and Donald P. Morgan
    Staff reports (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) (2021)
  • Public Service or Private Benefits? Bankers in the Governance of the Federal Reserve System
    Lamont Black and Jennifer Dlugosz
    Working Papers (SSRN) (2018)
  • Bank Loan Supply Responses to Federal Reserve Emergency Liquidity Facilities
    Allen N. Berger, Lamont K. Black, Christa H.S. Bouwman, and Jennifer Dlugosz
    Journal of Financial Intermediation (2017)
  • Securitization Without Adverse Selection: The Case of CLOs
    Efraim Benmelech, Jennifer Dlugosz, and Victoria Ivashina
    Journal of Financial Economics (2012)
  • The Credit Rating Crisis
    Efraim Benmelech and Jennifer Dlugosz
    NBER Macroeconomics Annual Book Series (2010)
  • The Alchemy of CDO Credit Ratings
    Efraim Benmelech and Jennifer Dlugosz
    Journal of Monetary Economics (2009)
  • Large Blocks of Stock: Prevalence, Size, and Measurement
    Jennifer Dlugosz, Rüdiger Fahlenbrach, Paul Gompers, and Andrew Metrick
    Journal of Corporate Finance (2006)
  • 2017

    Journal of Financial Intermediation

    Best Paper Award

Conference Organization
  • 2020-present

    SFS Cavalcade North America

    Program Committee

  • 2019-present

    FIRS Conference

    Program Committee

  • 2015-present

    EFA Annual Meeting

    Program Committee

  • 2015-2019

    FMA Annual Meeting

    Program Committee

  • 2014, 15, 17-19 | St. Louis, MO

    WashU Olin Corporate Finance Conference


  • June 2016 | Park City, UT

    Early Career Women in Finance Conference


  • American Economic Review
  • Journal of Banking and Finance
  • Journal of Corporate Finance
  • Journal of Finance
  • Journal of Financial Economics
  • Journal of Financial Intermediation
  • Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
  • Management Science
  • Review of Corporate Finance Studies
  • Review of Finance
  • Review of Financial Studies
Professional Affiliation
  • American Finance Association
  • American Economic Association
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Last Update: August 2, 2024