Meet the Researchers

Michael B. Gordy
[email protected]
- Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994
- B.A., Mathematics & Philosophy, Yale University, 1985
- Counterparty Credit Risk in OTC Markets
- Backtesting of forecast models
Section Chief
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2020 - presentPrincipal Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2015 - 2020Senior Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2002 - 2015Visiting Faculty
Princeton University
2014Visiting Scholar
Indian School of Business
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
1994 - 2002
- Spectral backtests unbounded and folded
Michael B. Gordy and Alexander J. McNeil
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2024) - Counterparty Risk and Counterparty Choice in the Credit Default Swap Market
Wenxin Du, Salil Gadgil, Michael B. Gordy, and Clara Vega
Management Science (2024) - The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt Composition and Bankruptcy Thresholds
Mark Carey and Michael B. Gordy
Journal of Financial Economics (2021) - Spectral Backtests of Forecast Distributions with Application to Risk Management
Michael B. Gordy and Alexander J. McNeil
Journal of Banking & Finance (2020) - Expectations of Functions of Stochastic Time with Application to Credit Risk Modeling
Ovidiu Costin, Michael B. Gordy, Min Huang, and Pawel J. Szerszen
Mathematical Finance (2016) - Risk-Based Regulatory Capital and the Basel Accords
Michael Gordy, Erik Heitfield, and Jason J. Wu
Oxford Handbook of Banking (2015) - Bayesian Estimation of Time-Changed Default Intensity Models
Michael B. Gordy and Pawel J. Szerszen
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2015) - Finite-dimensional Distributions of a Square-root Diffusion
Michael B. Gordy
Journal of Applied Probability (2014) - Granularity Adjustment for Regulatory Capital Assessment
Michael B. Gordy and Eva Luetkebohmert
International Journal of Central Banking (2013) - Granularity Adjustment for Mark-to-Market Credit Risk Models
Michael B. Gordy and James Marrone
Journal of Banking & Finance (2012) - On the Distribution of a Discrete Sample Path of a Square-Root Diffusion
Michael B. Gordy
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2012) - Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
Michael B. Gordy and Soren Willemann
Management Science (2012) - Small Sample Estimation of Models of Portfolio Credit Risk
Michael B. Gordy and Erik Heitfield
Recent Advances in Financial Engineering (2010) - Nested Simulation in Portfolio Risk Measurement
Michael B. Gordy and Sandeep Juneja
Management Science (2010) - A Note on Turán Type and Mean Inequalities for the Kummer Function
Roger W. Barnard, Michael B. Gordy, and Kendall C. Richards
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2009) - Procyclicality in Basel II: Can We Treat the Disease without Killing the Patient?
Michael B. Gordy and Bradley Howells
Journal of Financial Intermediation (2006) - Switching Costs and Adverse Selection in the Market for Credit Cards: New Evidence
Paul S. Calem, Michael B. Gordy, and Loretta J. Mester
Journal of Banking & Finance (2006) - A Risk-Factor Model Foundation for Ratings-Based Bank Capital Rules
Michael B. Gordy
Journal of Financial Intermediation (2003) - Random Tranches
Michael B. Gordy and David Jones
Risk (2003) - Saddlepoint Approximation of Credit Risk
Michael B. Gordy
Journal of Banking & Finance (2002) - A Comparative Anatomy of Credit Risk Models
Michael B. Gordy
Journal of Banking & Finance (2000) - Hedging Winner's Curse with Multiple Bids: Evidence from the Portuguese Treasury Bill Auction
Michael B. Gordy
Review of Economics and Statistics (1999) - A Generalization of Generalized Beta Distributions
Michael B. Gordy
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (1998) - Computationally Convenient Distributional Assumptions for Common-Value Auctions
Michael B. Gordy
Computational Economics (1998)
October 2018Bank for International Settlements
Spectral Backtests of Forecast Distributions with Application to Risk Management
October 2018Bank of Finland
Spectral Backtests of Forecast Distributions with Application to Risk Management
June 2018Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Spectral Backtests of Forecast Distributions with Application to Risk Management
September 2017Risk Measurement and Regulatory Issues in Business (University of Montreal)
Spectral Backtests of Forecast Distributions with Application to Risk Management
June 2017International Risk Management Conference 2017 (University of Florence)
Spectral Backtests of Forecast Distributions with Application to Risk Management
March 2016Mont Tremblant 6th Risk Management Conference
Counterparty Risk and Counterparty Choice in the Credit Default Swap Market
August 2015International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Beijing)
Multiname Default Models under Stochastic Time-Change
August 2015Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Stochastic Time-Change of Default Intensity Models: Pricing and Estimation
May 2015Lehigh University
Counterparty Risk and Counterparty Choice in the Credit Default Swap Market
April 2015Colloquium of the Scottish Financial Risk Academy
Agency Ratings in Risk Management Applications
March 2015Systemic Risk and Financial Networks (UCLA)
Multiname Default Models under Stochastic Time-Change
July 2012Sixth Annual Risk Management Conference (National University of Singapore)
Stochastic Time-Change of Default Intensity Models: Pricing and Estimation
June 2012Annual Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society
Counterparty Credit Risk and Interconnectedness in CDS Trade Repository Data
May 2012Mathematics of the New Financial Systems (University of Minnesota)
Stochastic Time-Change of Default Intensity Models: Pricing and Estimation
May 2012R/Finance 2012 (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Network Analysis in R of Derivatives Trade Repository Data
March 2012Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Stochastic Time-Change of Default Intensity Models: Pricing and Estimation
March 2012Conference on Liquidity and Credit Risk (Universitat Freiburg)
Stochastic Time-Change of Default Intensity Models: Pricing and Estimation
March 2012McGill University 4th Risk Management Conference in Mont Tremblant
Stochastic Time-Change of Default Intensity Models: Pricing and Estimation
November 2011Global Derivatives USA
Stochastic Volatility in Default Intensity Modeling for CDS Pricing
October 2011Measuring Risk (Princeton University)
Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
August 2011Credit Scoring and Credit Control (University of Edinburgh)
Leaning Against the Leverage Cycle: Why and How to Implement A Countercyclical Capital Buffer
November 2010Third SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering
Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
October 2010Georgia State University
Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
July 2010Indian School of Business
Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
May 2010Forum on Systemic Stability and Liquidity (Fields Institute)
Leaning Against the Leverage Cycle: Mitigating Procyclicality in Basel II
March 2010CREST Workshop on Large Portfolio, Concentration and Granularity
Taking the Granularity Adjustment to Market
November 2009Workshop on Derivative Securities and Risk Management (Columbia University)
Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Post-Mortem Analysis of Rating Models
October 2009Financial Risk, Market Complexity and Regulation (Collegium Budapest)
First, Do No Harm: A Hippocratic Approach to Procyclicality in Basel II
August 2009KIER-TMU International Workshop on Financial Engineering
Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
May 2009Northwestern University
Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
April 2009MITACS Economic Summit on Systemic Risk
First, Do No Harm: A Hippocratic Approach to Procyclicality in Basel II
February 2009Conference on Procyclicality in the Financial System (De Nederlandsche Bank)
First, Do No Harm: A Hippocratic Approach to Procyclicality in Basel II
January 2009Annual Meetings of the American Mathematical Association
A Tur¡n Type Inequality for the Kummer Function Arising in Finance
September 2008HEC Geneve
The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt composition and recoveries on defaulted debt
July 2008Second Annual Risk Management Conference (National University of Singapore)
Nested Simulation in Portfolio Risk Measurement
June 2008Magyar Nemzeti Bank
The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt composition and recoveries on defaulted debt
May 2008Caesarea Center 5th Annual Conference
The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt composition and recoveries on defaulted debt
April 2008Queen's University School of Business
The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt composition and recoveries on defaulted debt
April 2008Fields Institute
Nested Simulation in Portfolio Risk Measurement
April 200818th Annual Derivatives Securities & Risk Management Conference (FDIC)
Nested Simulation in Portfolio Risk Measurement
February 2008RiskLab-Madrid Meeting on Financial Risks
The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt composition and recoveries on defaulted debt
January 2008National University of Singapore
The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt composition and recoveries on defaulted debt
October 2007Conference on Credit Risk (University of Chicago)
The Bank as Grim Reaper: Debt composition and recoveries on defaulted debt
- 2004
Risk Magazine
Quant of the Year
- 2003
Global Association of Risk Professionals
Financial Risk Manager of the Year
- 2003
Journal of Financial Intermediation
Best Paper Prize for Volume XII
Conference Organization
March 2020 | New York, NY
GARP Annual Convention
Executive Advisory Council
March 2019 | Washington, DC
Conference on the Interconnectedness of Financial Systems
Program Committee
September 2014 | Cambridge, UK
Monitoring Systemic Risk: Data, Models and Metrics
Program Committee
September 2011 | Washington, DC
Conference on Regulation of Systemic Risk
Organizing and Program Committees
November 2010 | San Francisco, CA
Third SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering
Session Organizer and Chair
May 2010 | Toronto, Canada
Forum on Systemic Risk and Liquidity
Program Committee
August 2006 | Hyderabad, India
CAF Summer Research Conference
Program Committee
November 2005 | Eltville, Germany
Concentration Risk in Credit Portfolios
Program Committee
September 2004 | Venice, Italy
C.R.E.D.I.T: Valuation of Credit Risk Models
Program Committee
April 2004 | Montreal, Canada
HEC Montreal Second International Conference on Credit Risk
Program Committee
- Associate Editor, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2002-2021
- Guest Editor, special issue on "The Impact of Global Pandemic on Financial Markets and Institutions," Journal of Banking & Finance, February 2023
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Central Banking, 2004-2023
- Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Credit Risk, 2016-2020
- Associate Editor, Journal of Credit Risk, 2004-2015
- Guest Editor, special issues on "Systemic Risk: Data, Models and Metrics," Statistics & Risk Modeling, December 2016 and September 2017
- Editorial Board, Global Credit Review, 2012-2016
- American Economic Review
- Annals of Operations Research
- Communications in Statistics -- Simulation & Computation
- Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
- Journal of Finance
- Journal of Financial Intermediation
- Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
- Journal of the American Statistical Association
- Management Science
- Operations Research
- Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Quantitative Finance
- Review of Economics and Statistics
- Review of Finance
- Review of Financial Studies
- Stochastic Systems
Professional Affiliation
- International Advisory Board, Institute of Global Finance, Australian School of Business, 2011-present