FR 2510
Report of Institution-to-Aggregate Granular Data on Assets and Liabilities on an Immediate Counterparty Basis


Current (388.2 KB .PDF)


Current (1.5 MB .PDF)


This report collects granular exposure data on the assets, liabilities, and off-balance sheet holdings of bank holding companies headquartered in the U.S. that are global systemically important bank holding companies (U.S. G-SIBs), providing breakdowns by country, instrument, currency, maturity, and sector. The FR 2510 collect data covering detailed positions for the top 35 countries of exposure, on an immediate counterparty basis (on the basis of the country of residence of the borrower), as reported in the consolidated Country Exposure Report of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC 009; OMB No. 7100-0035), broken out by instrument and counterparty sector, with limited further breakouts by remaining maturity, subject to a $2 billion minimum threshold for country exposure. Further, the FR 2510 collects information on financial derivatives by instrument type and foreign exchange derivatives by currency.

OMB Control Number:



The Federal Reserve uses the FR 2510 to conduct a more complete balance sheet analysis of U.S. G-SIBs. Additionally, the FR 2510 provides the Federal Reserve with valuable systemic information through the collection of more granular data regarding common or correlated exposures and funding dependencies than is currently collected by existing reports by providing more information about U.S. G-SIBs' consolidated exposures and funding positions to different countries according to instrument, counterparty sector, currency and remaining maturity. Furthermore, the data collected via the FR 2510 is gathered and transmitted securely to an International Data Hub (IDH). The IDH will combine the data with corresponding data from other jurisdictions to produce analytical reports containing unique and authoritative aggregation and comparisons of banks' positions.


The FR 2510 implements in the U.S. an internationally agreed upon common data template for G SIBs (global Institution-to-Aggregate (I-A) template) designed to facilitate the aggregation and analysis of consistent and comparable data from G SIBs based in different jurisdictions. The global I-A template was developed by the Board in cooperation with the Financial Stability Board (FSB). Implementation of the global I-A template is being coordinated with respective host-country jurisdictions for G SIBs through an IDH hosted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). In implementing this internationally-agreed template for U.S. G SIBs, the FR 2510 builds on, and complements, the FFIEC 009, as well as certain balance sheet and off-balance sheet information collected on the Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies (FR Y 9C; OMB No. 7100 0128). Relative to the FFIEC 009 and FR Y 9C, the FR 2510 provides significantly more detail regarding the balance sheet and derivatives exposures of U.S. G SIBs. This information facilitates supervisory monitoring and analysis of common or correlated exposures and funding dependencies across G SIBs. In doing so, the FR 2510 (together with corresponding collections in other jurisdictions) provides valuable systemic information to supervisors and policymakers and promotes improvements in firms' ability to aggregate and report their exposures and positions in a consistent, timely, and accurate manner.

Respondent Panel:

The panel consists of U.S. G SIBs under the Board's Regulation Q - Capital Adequacy of Bank Holding Companies, Savings and Loan Holding Companies, and State Member Banks.


The FR 2510 is required to be submitted quarterly as of the end of March, June, September, and December. The filing deadline is 50 calendar days after the March 31, June 30, and September 30 as of dates, and 65 calendar days after the December 31 as of date. The quarterly reporting requirement became effective starting with the September 30, 2019, as of date.

Public Release:

Micro data from the FR 2510 are considered confidential and are not published.

Additional Materials

Document that relates (anchors) the definition of FR 2510 data items to the FR Y-9C and other information collections.


Last Update: June 24, 2024