Release Date: November 2017
Liabilities to, and Claims on, Foreigners Reported by Financial Firms in the United States (Table 3.16) 1
Payable in Foreign Currencies
Millions of dollars, end of period
Item 2013 2014 2015 Sep 2016 Dec 2016 Mar 2017 Jun 2017/p
1 Financial firms` own liabilities 301,088 279,743 191,649 201,689 186,014 192,354 211,668
2 Deposits 122,538 123,843 113,071 118,371 109,180 109,467 123,568
3 Other liabilities 178,550 155,900 78,578 83,318 76,834 82,887 88,100
4 Financial firms` own claims 415,475 430,436 357,959 389,927 378,858 372,543 380,598
5 Deposits 154,996 173,383 155,833 155,440 140,278 136,826 137,634
6 Other claims 260,479 257,053 202,126 234,487 238,580 235,717 242,964
7 Claims of financial firms` domestic customers2 75,608 67,829 75,167 107,598 113,405 108,416 115,660
8 Deposits 21,970 18,690 18,593 20,634 17,822 18,252 20,719
9 Other claims 53,638 49,139 56,574 86,964 95,583 90,164 94,941
  1. Prior to December 2013, reporting firms include all types of depository institutions as well as some bank holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective December 2013, data include, in addition, all other nonbank financial firms. Data on claims exclude uninvested foreign currencies held by U.S. monetary authorities.   Return to table
  2. Claims on foreigners reported by firms located in the United States, in which the assets are held by the firm for the accounts of domestic customers.   Return to table
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Last Update: November 24, 2017