Photo of Brian M. Doyle

Brian M. Doyle


  • Ph.D., Economics, Princeton University, 1999
  • M.A., Economics, Princeton University, 1996
  • B.A., Economics, Queen's University at Kingston, 1994
Current Research Topics
  • International Business Cycle Linkages
  • Central Banking Policy and Practice
  • Deputy Director

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2020 - present
  • Senior Associate Director

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2018 - 2020
  • Special Adviser to the Vice Chair

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2018 - 2020
  • Associate Director

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2016 - 2018
  • Senior Adviser

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2013 - 2016
  • Senior Adviser

    U.S. Executive Director's Office at the International Monetary Fund

    2014 - 2015
  • Adviser

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2012 - 2013
  • Project Manager

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2009 - 2012
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2006 - 2009
  • Adjunct Professor

    Johns Hopkins University

    2001 - 2005
  • Adjunct Professor

    Syracuse University

  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    1999 - 2006
  • Considerations Regarding Inflation Ranges
    Hess Chung, Brian M. Doyle, James Hebden, and Michael Siemer
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2020)
  • Monetary Policy and the Global Housing Bubble
    Jane Dokko, Brian M. Doyle, Michael T. Kiley, Jinill Kim, Shane Sherlund, Jae Sim, and Skander J. Van den Heuvel
    Economic Policy (2011)
  • New Open Economy Macroeconomics
    Brian M. Doyle
    Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy (2009)
  • Breaks in the Variability and Co-Movement of G-7 Economic Growth
    Brian M. Doyle and Jon Faust
    Review of Economics and Statistics (2005)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2003)
  • House Prices and Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Study
    Alan G. Ahearne, John Ammer, Brian M. Doyle, Linda S. Kole, and Robert F. Martin
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2005)
  • International Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies: Still Alive in the New Millennium?
    Laurence H. Meyer, Brian M. Doyle, Joseph E. Gagnon, and Dale W. Henderson
    IMF and its critics: Reform of global financial architecture (2004)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2002)
  • New Keynesian, Open-Economy Models and Their Implications for Monetary Policy
    Brian M. Doyle and David Bowman
    Price Adjustment and Monetary Policy (2002)
  • An Investigation of Co-movements among the Growth Rates of the G-7 Countries
    Brian M. Doyle and Jon Faust
    Federal Reserve Bulletin (2002)
  • 'Here, Dollars, Dollars...' -- Estimating Currency Demand and Worldwide Currency Substitution
    Brian M. Doyle
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2000)
  • Three Essays on Currency, Reputation and Currency Crises, Worldwide Currency Substitution and Currency Demand and the Underground Economy
    Brian Doyle
    Princeton University (1999)
  • seminar

    September 2012

    Bank of Canada

    Monetary Policy and the Global Housing Boom

  • seminar

    May 2010

    International Finance Workshop

    Monetary Policy and the Global Housing Boom

  • discussion

    November 2009

    Central Bank of Chile, "Monetary Policy Under Financial Turbulence"

    The Financial Accelerator under Learning and the Role of Monetary Policy

  • seminar

    May 2006

    Bank of Canada

    Monetary Policy and House Prices: A Cross-Country Study

  • conference

    May 2006

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Monetary Policy Rules in Economies with Traded and Non-Traded Goods

  • discussion

    May 2006

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Do countries of the same development degree move on the same wavelength?

  • discussion

    May 2006

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Multiple Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization

  • discussion

    January 2006

    American Economics Association Annual Meetings

    The Dynamics of Market Power and International Prices

  • conference

    November 2005

    Central Bank of Chile, "Monetary Policy Response to Supply and Asset Price Shocks"

    Monetary Policy and House Prices: A Cross-Country Study

  • conference

    December 2004

    ECB, "Monetary policy implications of heterogeneity in a currency area"

    Monetary Policy Rules in Economies with Traded and Non-Traded Goods

  • conference

    April 2004

    System Conference on International Economic Analysis, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

    Breaks in the Variability and Co-movement of G-7 Economic Growth

  • conference

    May 2003

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Breaks in the Variability and Co-movement of G-7 Economic Growth

  • discussion

    May 2003

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    A Comparison of Twelve Macroeconomic Models of the Canadian Economy

  • discussion

    May 2003

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Monetary Policy in an Estimated Canadian Small-Open-Economy Model

  • seminar

    March 2003

    University of Virginia

    Breaks in the Variability and Co-movement of G-7 Economic Growth

  • conference

    January 2003

    American Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Breaks in the Variability and Co-movement of G-7 Economic Growth

  • conference

    November 2002

    Bank of Canada, "Price Adjustment and Monetary Policy"

    New Keynesian, Open-Economy Models and Their Implications for Monetary Policy

  • conference

    June 2002

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Three Dummies and the Stock Market

  • discussion

    June 2002

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Why U.S. Money does not Cause U.S. Output, but does Cause Hong Kong Output

  • discussion

    June 2002

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Revisiting the Case for Flexible Exchange Rates in North America

  • seminar

    May 2002

    International Finance Workshop

    Three Dummies and the Stock Market

  • conference

    January 2002

    Econometrics Society Meetings

    Three Dummies and the Stock Market

  • seminar

    November 2001

    International Finance Workshop

    Breaks in the Variability and Co-movement of G-7 Economic Growth

  • discussion

    January 2001

    American Economics Association Annual Meetings

    On the Distributional Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations

  • conference

    July 2000

    Western Economic Association Meetings

    Reputation and Currency Crises

  • conference

    April 2000

    System Conference on International Economic Analysis, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    'Here Dollars, Dollars...' Estimating Currency Demand and Worldwide Currency Substitution

Conference Organization
  • June 2006

    Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Session Organizer and Chair (2)

  • January 2001

    American Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Session Organizer and Chair

  • July 2000

    Western Economics Association Annual Meetings

    Session Organizer and Chair (3)

  • The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
  • Canadian Journal of Economics
  • Economic Inquiry
  • Economic Letters
  • Comparative Economic Studies
  • Empirical Economics
  • International Economic Review
  • International Journal of Central Banking
  • International Tax and Public Finance
  • Journal of Applied Economics
  • Journal of Applied Econometrics
  • Journal of Applied Statistics
  • Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
  • Journal of Economic Integration
  • Journal of International Economics
  • Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money
  • Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
  • Journal of Macroeconomics
  • Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
  • The Manchester School
  • Review of Economics and Statistics
  • Southern Economic Journal
  • Swiss National Bank
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Last Update: August 2, 2024