Photo of Pinar Uysal

Pinar Uysal


  • Ph.D., Economics, Boston College, 2009
  • B.A., Economics, Bogazici University, 2002
Current Research Topics
  • Banking and Financial Institutions
  • Bank Ratings, Syndicated Loans
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2020 - present
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2018 - 2020
  • Financial Economist II

    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

    2016 - 2018
  • Financial Economist I

    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

    2014 - 2016
  • Postdoctoral Researcher

    Ecole Polytehnique Federale de Lausanne

    2009 - 2014
  • What are Large Global Banks Doing About Climate Change?
    Daniel O. Beltran, Hannah Bensen, Amy Kvien, Erin McDevitt, Monica V. Sanz, and Pinar Uysal
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2023)
  • Forecasting High-Risk Composite CAMELS Ratings
    Lewis Gaul, Jonathan Jones, and Pinar Uysal
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2019)
  • Takeover Defense Provisions, Firm Volatility, and the Cost of Corporate Loan Finance
    Lewis Gaul, Jonathan Jones, and Pinar Uysal
    Critical Finance Review (2018)
  • Do Audit Fees Influence Credit Risk and Asymmetric Information Problems? Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market
    Lewis Gaul and Pinar Uysal
    New York Economic Review (2018)
  • Bank Funding Costs in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
    Jeffrey R. Gerlach, Nada Mora, and Pinar Uysal
    Journal of Banking & Finance (2018)
  • Mortgage Default in an Estimated Model of the U.S. Housing Market
    Luisa Lambertini, Victoria Nuguer, and Pinar Uysal
    Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control (2017)
  • Firm Heterogeneity and Trade-Induced Layoffs: An Empirical Investigation
    Pinar Uysal, Yoto V. Yotov, and Thomas Zylkin
    European Economic Review (2015)
  • Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?
    Lewis Gaul and Pinar Uysal
    Review of Financial Studies (2013)
  • discussion

    October 2017

    System Committee Meeting on Financial Institutions, Regulation, and Markets, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cincinnati, OH

    Discussion of "The Optimal Response of Bank Capital Requirements to Credit and Risk in a Model with Financial Spillovers" by Filippo Occhino

  • conference

    June 2017

    IBEFA, San Diego, CA

    Bank Funding Costs in a Rising Interest Rate Envirnment

  • conference

    November 2016

    QuantFest - Wholesale Quant Coordination Center, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, IL

    Forecasting High Risk Composite CAMELS Ratings

  • conference

    November 2016

    INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN

    Forecasting High Risk Composite CAMELS Ratings

  • conference

    April 2016

    Eastern Finance Association Meeting, Baltimore, MD

    Equity Volatility, Takeover Defenses, and the Cost of Corporate Loan Finance

  • conference

    November 2015

    Southern Finance Association Meeting, Capitva Island, FL

    Equity Volatility, Takeover Defenses, and the Cost of Corporate Loan Finance

  • discussion

    October 2015

    System Committee on Financial Structure and Regulation Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Charlotte, NC

    Discussion of "A New Look at the Relationship Between Capital Constraints and Bank Lending" by William Bassett and Francisco Covas

  • conference

    June 2015

    IBEFA, San Francisco, CA

    Macroeconomic Implications of Bank Capital Requirements

  • conference

    June 2013

    INFINITI - The Financial Crisis, Integration and Contagion, Aix-en-Provence, France

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • conference

    June 2013

    17th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Crete, Greece

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • conference

    April 2012

    Second Sinergia Common Workshop on Macroeconomics of Financial Crisis, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • conference

    March 2012

    Royal Economic Society Anuual Conference, Cambridge, UK

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • conference

    December 2011

    XX International Tor Vergata Conference on Money, Banking and Finance, Rome, Italy

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • discussion

    November 2011

    European Central Bank Workshop on "Asset pricing models in the aftermath of the financial crisis", Frankfurt, Germany

    Discussion of "The Cross-Section of Credit Risk Premia and Equity Returns" by Nils Friewald, Christian Wagner, and Josef Zechner

  • conference

    July 2011

    IBEFA, San Diego, CA

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • conference

    June 2011

    17th International on Computing in Economics and Finance, San Francisco, CA

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • conference

    June 2011

    Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Lucerne, Switzerland

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • seminar

    May 2011

    EPFL-UNIL Finance Brownbag, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Can Equity Volatility Explain the Global Loan Pricing Puzzle?

  • conference

    August 2010

    European Economic Association Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland

    Foreign Direct Investment: Is There Room for Human Capital Spillovers

  • conference

    June 2010

    Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Fribourg, Switzerland

    Trade Liberalization, Firm Heterogeneity, and Labor Layoffs: An Empirical Investigation

  • Economic Modelling
  • Economics Bulletin
  • European Economic Review
  • Journal of Money Credit and Banking
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Last Update: August 2, 2024