The Federal Reserve uses reporting forms to collect data from bank holding companies, depository institutions, other financial and nonfinancial entities, and consumers. Use of the forms is required in some cases, voluntary in others. Forms and instructions on this website may be reproduced for use by respondents.(More about reporting forms)

Forms used exclusively by the Federal Reserve have numbers preceded by the letters FR; those used by other federal banking agencies as well as the Federal Reserve have numbers preceded by the letters FFIEC (for Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council).

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146 Results found. Please see results below.

FR 2083/A/B/C

Application for Membership in the Federal Reserve System

Form | Included with Form

FR 2084

Registration of a Nonbank Financial Company Designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council for Supervision by the Board of Governors

Form | Instructions

FR 2086

Application for Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock (for use by member banks in voluntary liquidation)

Form | Included with Form

FR 2086a

Application for Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock (for use by member banks converting into or merging into member or nonmember banks and community savings associations (CSAs) terminating an election to operate as a CSA)

Form | Included with Form

FR 2087

Application for Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock (for use by insolvent member banks)

Form | Included with Form

FR 2225

Annual Daylight Overdraft Capital Report for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks

Form | Instructions

FR 2230

Suspicious Activity Report

Form Link

FR 2248

Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities

Form | Instructions

FR 2314/FR 2314S

Financial Statements of Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Banking Organizations

Form | Instructions

FR 2314a/b/c

Report of Condition for Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Banking Organizations

Form | Instructions

Last Update: June 27, 2022