Photo of Eric R. Nielsen

Eric R. Nielsen



  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago, 2014
  • M.A., Economics, University of Chicago, 2010
  • A.B., Economics, Harvard University, 2007
Current Research Topics
  • Inequality, Childhood Development, Economic Measurement
  • Econometrics, Causal Identification from Bunching
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2014 - present
  • The Income-Achievement Gap and Adult Outcome Inequality
    Eric Nielsen
    Journal of Human Resources (Forthcoming)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2015)
  • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching
    Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, and Eric Nielsen
    Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (Forthcoming)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2020)
  • Are children spending too much time on enrichment activities?
    Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, and Eric Nielsen
    Economics of Education Review (2024)
  • Male–female achievement variance comparisons are not robust
    Carly Domicolo and Eric Nielsen
    Economics Letters (2022)
  • The Distributional Financial Accounts of the United States
    Michael Batty, Jesse Bricker, Joseph Briggs, Sarah Friedman, Danielle Nemschoff, Eric Nielsen, Kamila Sommer, and Alice Henriques Volz
    National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth (2022)
  • Unequal Worker Exposure to Establishment Deaths
    Hugh Macartney, Eric Nielsen, and Viviana Rodriguez
    Labour Economics (2021)
  • A Dummy Test of Identification in Models with Bunching
    Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, Hao Fe, and Eric Nielsen
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2021)
  • The Econometrics of Early Childhood Human Capital and Investments
    Flavio Cunha, Eric Nielsen, and Benjamin Williams
    Annual Review of Economics (2021)
  • Measuring Aggregate Housing Wealth: New Insights from Machine Learning
    Joshua H. Gallin, Raven Molloy, Eric Nielsen, Paul Smith, and Kamila Sommer
    Journal of Housing Economics (2021)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2018)
  • Updating the Distributional Financial Accounts
    Michael Batty, Jesse Bricker, Ella Deeken, Sarah Friedman, Eric Nielsen, Kamila Sommer, Sarah Reber, and Alice Volz
    FEDS Notes (2020)
  • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching
    Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, and Eric Nielsen
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2020)
  • How Do Children Spend Their Time? Time Use and Skill Development in the PSID
    Hannah Hall and Eric Nielsen
    FEDS Notes (2020)
  • Should Children Do More Enrichment Activities? Leveraging Bunching to Correct for Endogeneity
    Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, and Eric Nielsen
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2020)
  • Introducing the Distributional Financial Accounts of the United States
    Michael Batty, Jesse Bricker, Joseph Briggs, Elizabeth Holmquist, Susan McIntosh, Kevin Moore, Eric Nielsen, Sarah Reber, Molly Shatto, Kamila Sommer, Tom Sweeney, and Alice Henriques Volz
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2019)
  • Test Questions, Economic Outcomes, and Inequality
    Eric Nielsen
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2019)
  • How Can We Measure the Value of a Home? Comparing Model-Based Estimates with Owner-Occupant Estimates
    Raven Molloy and Eric Nielsen
    FEDS Notes (2018)
  • A New Measure of Housing Wealth in the Financial Accounts of the United States
    Hannah Hall, Eric Nielsen, and Kamila Sommer
    FEDS Notes (2018)
  • Human Capital and Wealth Before and After Capital in the Twenty-First Century
    Eric R. Nielsen
    After Piketty: The Agenda for Economics and Inequality (2017)
  • The Income-Achievement Gap and Adult Outcome Inequality
    Eric R. Nielsen
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2015)
  • Achievement Gap Estimates and Deviations from Cardinal Comparability
    Eric R. Nielsen
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2015)
  • Commentary: Do Bids Equal Values on eBay?
    Ali Hortacsu and Eric R. Nielsen
    Marketing Science (2010)
  • seminar

    2015 - Present

    2023: The George Washington University; 2021: SUNY Binghamton, Cleveland Fed; 2018: Freddie Mac; 2017: University of Rochester; 2016: Federal Trade Commission, Washington University in St. Louis; 2015: DIW Berlin; Pre-2015: University of Chicago Family Economics, University of Chicago Applications of Economics;

  • conference

    2015 - Present

    2023: NBER Summer Institute Education, Nebraska Labor Summit, DC-Area Econometrics Workshop; Econometric Society European Meetings; 2022: Washington Area Labor Economics Symposium, System Econometrics, Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Fall Research Conference; 2021: System Econometrics; 2020: ASSA (cancelled), System Applied Micro, System Econometrics; 2019: Eurostat, SOLE, NBER Summer Institute CRIW, System Econometrics, APPAM; 2018: Cleveland Fed/University of Kentucky, NBER Education, NBER Summer Institute CRIW, System Applied Micro; 2017: Population Association of America, AREUEA National Conference, System Regional Analysis; 2016: NBER Summer Institute ED/LS, Econometric Society North America Meetings, SOLE, MEA; 2015: NBER Education, WCEG/Rockefeller, Copenhagen Education Netowrk, SOLE, Royal Economic Society, MEA, EEA, GCER, DC Education Working Group;

  • Journal of Political Economy
  • The Quarterly Journal of Economics
  • The Journal of Labor Economics
  • American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
  • American Economic Journal -- Economic Policy
  • The Journal of Human Resources
  • Journal of Political Economy -- Microeconomics
  • Journal of Public Economics
  • Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
  • The Econometrics Journal
  • The Journal of Econometric Methods
  • Journal of Housing Economics
  • Regional Science and Urban Economics
  • Journal of Human Capital
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Economics of Education Review
  • Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
  • American Educational Research Journal
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Last Update: August 2, 2024