Accessible Version


On December 5, 2019, the data in figures 14 and 18 were updated on the accessible version to reflect the percentages instead of whole numbers in the associated figures.

Figure 1: Loan growth by sector


Date Total Residential real estate CRE C&I Consumer
3/31/2014 100 100 100 100 100
6/30/2014 102.3169831 100.6476491 101.7570361 103.3461993 102.4249812
9/30/2014 102.7447759 100.0785998 103.000399 103.8993708 103.0832699
12/31/2014 104.2468643 99.95958491 104.7318705 106.5035788 105.2995315
3/31/2015 104.2484636 99.78808694 105.8602586 107.4839289 102.5785401
6/30/2015 106.8074053 100.7125805 108.5969189 110.6998294 105.2751448
9/30/2015 107.7793271 100.6297135 111.1207171 111.2697757 106.8749768
12/31/2015 111.7387378 102.2494392 115.0659232 114.8552285 115.6558268
3/31/2016 112.8259076 102.5105903 117.2847035 119.4142721 113.6852003
6/30/2016 115.0713816 104.1451956 119.9755845 120.9384922 116.4142049
9/30/2016 116.8270658 104.871553 122.4154088 123.894028 119.8852393
12/31/2016 117.8162628 104.6329076 124.8400851 123.7703948 123.4371652
3/31/2017 118.0551575 104.0082766 127.2269582 126.1159151 120.2732418
6/30/2017 119.6953916 104.423847 128.8474247 127.2817792 122.3643828
9/30/2017 120.9096266 104.8727312 130.2384045 128.267661 124.2488921
12/31/2017 123.0930864 105.4985892 131.8171513 129.4562272 128.6262775
3/31/2018 123.699936 105.3066678 133.6634701 132.2004827 125.0304812
6/30/2018 124.708096 105.3930083 135.1059445 133.9809546 126.8227343
9/30/2018 125.3670714 105.5598368 135.8475212 134.276761 128.965342
12/31/2018 127.7434901 105.849716 137.2913163 139.1284111 132.743457
3/31/2019 127.7395248 105.5330493 139.3045089 141.5768858 129.5683227
6/30/2019 130.0033928 106.8581974 141.1370047 142.5605291 132.6736515

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 2. Concentration of banking industry outstanding loans and leases


3/31/2014 31.17233411 22.33265631 46.49501
6/30/2014 31.35541653 22.25808272 46.3865
9/30/2014 31.85021545 22.26551857 45.88427
12/31/2014 32.16965555 22.36293997 45.4674
3/31/2015 32.42368034 22.31754705 45.25877
6/30/2015 32.56092439 22.13416429 45.30491
9/30/2015 32.52604705 22.42573683 45.04822
12/31/2015 31.70579555 24.30152661 43.99268
3/31/2016 31.84779754 24.10753732 44.04467
6/30/2016 32.10688489 23.99827204 43.89484
9/30/2016 31.81719883 24.28461782 43.89818
12/31/2016 32.10454772 24.4499457 43.44551
3/31/2017 32.32976653 24.32673833 43.3435
6/30/2017 32.27477655 24.35732194 43.3679
9/30/2017 32.37936071 24.3386921 43.28195
12/31/2017 32.39516992 24.21949844 43.38533
3/31/2018 32.65142278 24.03209196 43.31649
6/30/2018 33.10568197 23.9325096 42.96181
9/30/2018 34.37379944 23.09415272 42.53205
12/31/2018 34.86245587 22.65947165 42.47807
3/31/2019 35.27309195 22.79951234 41.9274
6/30/2019 35.48875362 22.74396627 41.76728

Note: Loan concentration is total loans in a given portfolio as a share of total loans in all portfolio groups.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 3: Loan composition


Date Residential real estate CRE C&I Consumer Other
3/31/2014 28.08736737 21.50704089 19.5703727 16.62076176 14.21445727
6/30/2014 27.62911307 21.38933997 19.76723294 16.63830539 14.57600863
9/30/2014 27.35851409 21.56054919 19.79029486 16.67551909 14.61512277
12/31/2014 26.93224015 21.60710192 19.99402809 16.78859541 14.67803443
3/31/2015 26.88562075 21.83956321 20.17776066 16.35451897 14.7425364
6/30/2015 26.48459851 21.86738239 20.28358347 16.38232008 14.98211555
9/30/2015 26.22417312 22.17380524 20.20416197 16.48130097 14.91655871
12/31/2015 25.70207627 22.1474447 20.11620744 17.20341559 14.830856
3/31/2016 25.51942786 22.35698314 20.7131665 16.74734703 14.66307547
6/30/2016 25.4204332 22.42364492 20.56820153 16.81471744 14.77300291
9/30/2016 25.21304303 22.53581551 20.75420012 17.05584221 14.44109913
12/31/2016 24.94445882 22.78922071 20.5594092 17.41372258 14.29318869
3/31/2017 24.74537103 23.17794031 20.90662972 16.93304165 14.23701729
6/30/2017 24.50379178 23.15149141 20.81075824 16.99137474 14.54258382
9/30/2017 24.36198845 23.16641586 20.76134053 17.07979168 14.63046347
12/31/2017 24.07265689 23.03132488 20.58203827 17.36788619 14.94609378
3/31/2018 23.91098299 23.23934685 20.91523087 16.79953853 15.13490077
6/30/2018 23.73712884 23.30024405 21.02555728 16.9025951 15.03447473
9/30/2018 23.64973421 23.30498878 20.96121596 17.09780886 14.98625219
12/31/2018 23.27351363 23.11452388 21.31454884 17.27130965 15.02610401
3/31/2019 23.20460742 23.45419536 21.6903298 16.85871485 14.79215258
6/30/2019 23.08682399 23.34892395 21.46069135 16.9621508 15.1414099

Note: Loan composition is individual loan categories as a share of total loans. Chart key shows bars in order from bottom to top.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 4. Nonperforming loan ratio


Date Total Residential real estate CRE C&I Consumer
3/31/2014 2.606536989 6.596253493 1.842337884 0.683169733 1.098647024
6/30/2014 2.381473795 6.14552864 1.645579545 0.664839296 0.989314114
9/30/2014 2.246480108 5.791405885 1.545910978 0.623738012 1.009536152
12/31/2014 2.087957774 5.535530286 1.354251277 0.552670142 0.973148934
3/31/2015 1.959959621 5.161330418 1.229448995 0.600446396 0.893682535
6/30/2015 1.81280961 4.792628105 1.089296391 0.666599775 0.810131419
9/30/2015 1.721078543 4.475857057 0.987631362 0.755513807 0.842451501
12/31/2015 1.673650752 4.302076298 0.905500439 0.849294231 0.937770607
3/31/2016 1.680748369 3.992937022 0.870232903 1.338895491 0.897309663
6/30/2016 1.587959875 3.68539007 0.794025761 1.409526831 0.860033123
9/30/2016 1.538770488 3.526286119 0.761353421 1.390587611 0.927663337
12/31/2016 1.526474364 3.472760255 0.757587611 1.338285711 0.994354768
3/31/2017 1.445421148 3.277594304 0.725021911 1.248124726 0.979241805
6/30/2017 1.303751749 2.866003946 0.707446162 1.140431665 0.920056297
9/30/2017 1.274306053 2.796511871 0.690028979 1.058385286 1.000147839
12/31/2017 1.249019736 2.905440424 0.614677151 0.924181739 1.034394637
3/31/2018 1.198033292 2.739230288 0.632999073 0.882298811 1.01886068
6/30/2018 1.10858176 2.496291424 0.613820298 0.83016001 0.941312429
9/30/2018 1.059891763 2.335845865 0.584035966 0.77850788 0.997714323
12/31/2018 1.034114461 2.242032934 0.594924562 0.714140342 1.086514754
3/31/2019 1.035085344 2.134345028 0.62630233 0.832249931 1.066378833
6/30/2019 0.962145762 1.950275006 0.597095924 0.80638337 0.973356248

Note: Non-performing loan ratio is the ratio of loans 90 days or more delinquent and nonaccrual loans to total loans.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 5. Reserve coverage ratio


Date Reserve coverage ratio
3/31/2014 91.92041878
6/30/2014 95.29660094
9/30/2014 98.57162983
12/31/2014 102.9423239
3/31/2015 107.6996772
6/30/2015 111.1037716
9/30/2015 113.2802065
12/31/2015 114.1784064
3/31/2016 110.5360246
6/30/2016 113.9044774
9/30/2016 115.6150045
12/31/2016 114.75198
3/31/2017 119.9514571
6/30/2017 125.7193947
9/30/2017 129.3447635
12/31/2017 133.9364734
3/31/2018 136.3321215
6/30/2018 142.8299983
9/30/2018 147.8574369
12/31/2018 149.0382639
3/31/2019 147.2267209
6/30/2019 154.516988

Note: Reserve coverage ratio is the ratio of ALLL to loans 90 days or more delinquent and nonaccrual loans. Data adjusted for Ginnie Mae guaranteed loans.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 6: Bank profitability


Date ROAA (right) ROE (left)
3/31/2014 0.928009824 8.695512212
6/30/2014 0.904074988 8.373166382
9/30/2014 0.889547054 8.200694159
12/31/2014 0.784735129 7.236371171
3/31/2015 1.060495768 9.776314588
6/30/2015 1.067693974 9.706658448
9/30/2015 1.036323003 9.324440113
12/31/2015 0.876269922 7.809611379
3/31/2016 0.912807818 8.09896414
6/30/2016 1.024259658 9.079300773
9/30/2016 1.07318339 9.4997325
12/31/2016 0.949859289 8.516938719
3/31/2017 1.032843638 9.289877736
6/30/2017 1.072529333 9.592845181
9/30/2017 1.083197594 9.666887478
12/31/2017 0.223740268 2.017748617
3/31/2018 1.251768578 11.60939235
6/30/2018 1.266479477 11.71241086
9/30/2018 1.309662874 12.05845203
12/31/2018 1.222505277 11.34508855
3/31/2019 1.279066354 11.81902726
6/30/2019 1.30225784 12.04652134

Note: ROAA is net income/quarterly average assets; ROE is net income/average equity capital. Values are annualized.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 7. Share of institutions not well capitalized


Date Share of institutions not well capitalized
3/31/2014 2.34028015
6/30/2014 2.014809712
9/30/2014 1.826086957
12/31/2014 1.793564269
3/31/2015 1.755319149
6/30/2015 1.594696291
9/30/2015 1.431678144
12/31/2015 1.433033254
3/31/2016 1.280385971
6/30/2016 1.181323833
9/30/2016 1.123595506
12/31/2016 1.058914132
3/31/2017 1.0091209
6/30/2017 0.940623163
9/30/2017 0.789265983
12/31/2017 0.838156057
3/31/2018 0.683691936
6/30/2018 0.712105799
9/30/2018 0.513663448
12/31/2018 0.520074891
3/31/2019 0.52443885
6/30/2019 0.423908436

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 8. Liquid assets as a share of total assets

Date Percent of assets
3/31/2014 18.10341
6/30/2014 18.71256
9/30/2014 19.56377
12/31/2014 20.06586
3/31/2015 19.20916
6/30/2015 18.43462
9/30/2015 18.46807
12/31/2015 18.52275
3/31/2016 18.47754
6/30/2016 17.96749
9/30/2016 18.03259
12/31/2016 17.8684
3/31/2017 18.78756
6/30/2017 18.15967
9/30/2017 18.16089
12/31/2017 17.96592
3/31/2018 17.86408
6/30/2018 17.30885
9/30/2018 17.15603
12/31/2018 16.56117
3/31/2019 16.31517
6/30/2019 15.90547

Note: Liquid assets are reserves plus estimates of securities that qualify as high-quality liquid assets as defined by the liquidity coverage ratio requirement. These data are for Y-9C filers only.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 9. Average credit default swaps (CDS) spread and market leverage ratio

Percent, Basis points

Date Market leverage average (left) CDS average (right)
1/31/2014 7.801481 86.8087
2/28/2014 7.8705 75.1327
3/31/2014 8.012296 71.1419
4/30/2014 7.772925 65.1423
5/31/2014 7.76585 61.7898
6/30/2014 7.748928 62.409
7/31/2014 7.79563 68.3899
8/31/2014 7.9826 60.0645
9/30/2014 8.122142 70.1726
10/31/2014 8.211459 64.5101
11/30/2014 8.275399 60.0832
12/31/2014 8.5 65.4
1/31/2015 7.62 68.97
2/28/2015 8.178692 59.9039
3/31/2015 8.074652 64.7411
4/30/2015 8.29111 67.3164
5/31/2015 8.50409 70.1249
6/30/2015 8.698862 80.7973
7/31/2015 8.99681 72.7151
8/31/2015 8.2658 80.0078
9/30/2015 7.969905 89.1821
10/31/2015 8.369028 72.7556
11/30/2015 8.536534 74.0316
12/31/2015 8.382967 74.1901
1/31/2016 7.333855 92.048
2/29/2016 6.817433 120.9548
3/31/2016 6.913791 109.5958
4/30/2016 7.355905 98.8043
5/31/2016 7.379376 97.8444
6/30/2016 6.597841 113.8273
7/31/2016 6.993202 99.5982
8/31/2016 7.42313 93.1268
9/30/2016 7.147795 105.7658
10/31/2016 7.50381 99.297
11/30/2016 8.50905 97.9047
12/31/2016 9.072573 87.4079
1/31/2017 8.956558 84.3299
2/28/2017 9.317114 76.7937
3/31/2017 9.007177 75.456
4/30/2017 9.043443 66.1285
5/31/2017 8.715183 62.3514
6/30/2017 9.27913 53.2018
7/31/2017 9.403471 53.5797
8/31/2017 9.222205 58.4156
9/30/2017 9.596287 54.7084
10/31/2017 9.682992 50.7711
11/30/2017 9.904191 48.6687
12/31/2017 10.09114 44.3244
1/31/2018 10.67178 43.0774
2/28/2018 10.36387 52.9361
3/31/2018 9.509138 62.4829
4/30/2018 9.473761 58.2199
5/31/2018 9.211919 70.0793
6/30/2018 9.187808 72.4852
7/31/2018 9.578263 60.2157
8/31/2018 9.379202 63.3257
9/30/2018 9.173445 59.3654
10/31/2018 8.593947 69.3179
11/30/2018 8.558771 83.3343
12/31/2018 7.535065 94.2432
1/31/2019 8.217355 75.2545
2/28/2019 8.22129 69.4983
3/31/2019 7.930998 71.9167
4/30/2019 8.448617 64.9426
5/31/2019 7.435076 69.3282
6/30/2019 7.660205 50.9417

Note: The market leverage ratio is the ratio of market value of equity to market value of equity plus total liabilities. Averages are calculated from available observations for the eight U.S. and four FBO LISCC firms only (U.S.: Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, State Street, and Wells Fargo; FBO: Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, and UBS). Beginning with this report, a different underlying data source was utilized for this chart. This has created minor time series differences and the data could vary slightly from previous reports.

Source: Bloomberg

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Figure 10. Large financial institution common equity tier 1 ratio


3/31/2014 12.45641453 11.07716048
6/30/2014 11.58142283 11.04366225
9/30/2014 11.69899998 11.12745041
12/31/2014 11.70623513 11.01896675
3/31/2015 11.4621445 10.93843889
6/30/2015 11.82616488 10.83269139
9/30/2015 12.10055571 10.76913244
12/31/2015 12.00793533 10.71424165
3/31/2016 11.89054382 10.73407574
6/30/2016 12.07403198 10.73278937
9/30/2016 12.20708222 10.61879478
12/31/2016 12.40121057 10.50529262
3/31/2017 12.39612666 10.66166718
6/30/2017 12.61862525 10.6333953
9/30/2017 12.68250026 10.61257243
12/31/2017 12.34304502 10.36356572
3/31/2018 11.87401046 10.26604501
6/30/2018 12.02990855 10.33428415
9/30/2018 12.09518598 10.17834765
12/31/2018 12.17495833 10.07545997
3/31/2019 12.26118223 10.16337777
6/30/2019 12.31514784 10.26474991

Note: Common equity tier 1 is the ratio of tier 1 common equity to risk-weighted assets.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 11. CCAR post-stress capital ratios


Year Tier 1 capital ratio Tier 1 leverage ratio
2012 7.6 4.6
2013 8.06 5.23
2014 7.7 5.3
2015 7.6 5.2
2016 8.6 5.9
2017 8.7 5.7
2018 7.9 5
2019 8.4 5.1

Note: Results of CCAR supervisory post-stress capital analysis (2014-2019). Federal Reserve estimates of capital ratios in the severely adverse scenario. Regulatory minimum tier 1 capital ratio is 6.0 percent. Regulatory minimum tier 1 leverage ratio is 4.0 percent.

Source: CCAR public disclosure documents.

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Figure 12. Large financial institution liquid assets

Percent of assets

3/31/2014 20.22963 13.44879
6/30/2014 21.05072 14.541
9/30/2014 21.68203 16.42793
12/31/2014 22.19191 17.20153
3/31/2015 21.01996 17.31359
6/30/2015 20.00499 17.50639
9/30/2015 19.75706 17.47809
12/31/2015 20.25225 17.7182
3/31/2016 20.02707 17.4612
6/30/2016 19.48502 17.18603
9/30/2016 19.81888 18.15623
12/31/2016 19.56304 17.72695
3/31/2017 20.74415 18.61992
6/30/2017 19.75356 18.11969
9/30/2017 19.97091 18.11638
12/31/2017 19.79233 18.23978
3/31/2018 19.49366 18.26219
6/30/2018 18.70482 18.62362
9/30/2018 18.68875 18.31362
12/31/2018 17.78939 17.91391
3/31/2019 17.39573 17.95105
6/30/2019 17.01979 17.33354

Note: Liquid assets are reserves plus estimates of securities that qualify as high-quality liquid assets as defined by the liquidity coverage ratio requirement. Data only include firms that were designated as domestic LBO or U.S. LISCC as of 2019:Q2. Data do not include SLHCs.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 13: Outstanding supervisory findings, large firms and FBOs


  LISCC LBO FBO > $100B FBO < $100B
2014 1,152 664 519 1,199
2015 1,072 648 475 860
2016 1,002 557 413 743
2017 905 435 496 845
2018 747 263 421 759
2019 717 198 396 713

Note: Values prior to 2019 are as of year-end. The 2019 value is as of the end of 2019:Q2. The findings count data is subject to revisions as issues are reviewed, updated, and finalize;, this could result in minor historical count fluctuations.

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Figure 14. Holding company ratings for firms > $100 billion


Year Satisfactory (1 or 2 rated) Less-than-satisfactory (3, 4, or 5 rated)
2014 54 46
2015 46 54
2016 45 55
2017 53 47
2018 57 43
2019 58 42

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases. All ratings information reflects RFI ratings, except 2019 LISCC ratings, which reflect ratings under the LFI rating system. Under the LFI rating system, firms which are classified as "Deficient-1" or "Deficient-2" in any of the three assessment areas are categorized as "Less-than-satisfactory".

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Figure 15. Outstanding supervisory findings by category, LISCC firms


Capital 21.47838215
Liquidity 14.50488145
Governance and controls 64.0167364

Note: As of 2019:Q2, there were 717 total outstanding supervisory findings for LISCC firms.

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Figure 16. Outstanding supervisory findings by category, LBO and non-LISCC FBO firms


Area of Focus LBO FBO < $100B FBO > $100B
Governance and controls 76.7677 97.1950 87.1212
Capital 18.1818 0.0000 6.3131
Liquidity 5.0505 2.8050 6.5657

Note: As of 2019:Q2, total supervisory findings, by portfolio, were: LBO - 198; FBO > $100B - 396; FBO < $100B - 713. Chart key shows bars in order from bottom to top.

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Figure 17. Common equity tier 1 ratio for RBO and CBO firms


3/31/2014 13.20033305 13.6614237
6/30/2014 13.32436133 13.58176694
9/30/2014 12.38230042 13.63595597
12/31/2014 12.23287586 13.49351077
3/31/2015 11.92781705 13.64378693
6/30/2015 11.97864564 13.51356816
9/30/2015 11.68486896 13.47289568
12/31/2015 11.75129104 13.26245637
3/31/2016 11.6022497 13.21732632
6/30/2016 11.5375065 13.1661653
9/30/2016 11.5925513 13.23494147
12/31/2016 11.73724769 13.19299021
3/31/2017 11.86579339 13.29031439
6/30/2017 11.87065766 13.34307736
9/30/2017 11.8317668 13.40949097
12/31/2017 11.72349607 13.3895561
3/31/2018 11.80076332 13.5375115
6/30/2018 11.8307367 13.59421057
9/30/2018 11.9702086 13.7796184
12/31/2018 11.83763326 13.79694204
3/31/2019 11.80311849 13.88514492
6/30/2019 11.66552606 13.9076554

Note: Common equity tier 1 is the ratio of tier 1 common equity to risk-weighted assets.

Source: Call Report and FR Y-9C.

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Figure 18. Holding company ratings for firms < $100 billion


Year Satisfactory (1 or 2 rated) Less-than-satisfactory (3, 4, or 5 rated)
2014 88 12
2015 92 8
2016 93 7
2017 94 6
2018 95 5
2019 95 5

Note: The 2019 value is as of the end of 2019:Q2

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Figure 19. Outstanding supervisory findings for smaller institutions


12/31/2014 3663 594
12/31/2015 3301 344
12/31/2016 3050 310
12/31/2017 2542 329
12/31/2018 2078 296
6/30/2019 1904 264

Note: Values prior to 2019 are as of year-end. The 2019 value is as of the end of 2019:Q2. The MRA/MRIA count data is subject to revisions as issues are reviewed, updated, and finalized; this could result in minor historical count fluctuations.

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Figure A. RBO population and asset growth

Count, $trillion

Date Population (left axis) Assets (trillions, right axis)
2014 59 1.187
2015 58 1.208
2016 66 1.353
2017 70 1.49
2018 83 1.866
2019 88 2.059

Note: The chart depicts the total number of institutions supervised within the RBO portfolio as of each year end, or as of Q2 for 2019. For 2018 and 2019, the RBO population generally includes institutions between $10 billion and $100 billion. Prior to 2018, the RBO population generally included institutions between $10 billion and $50 billion.

Source: FY Y-9C and Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Figure 20. Outstanding supervisory findings by category, RBO firms

Type RBO (Percent)
Risk Management, Internal Controls 43.94
IT and Operational Risk 17.80
BSA/AML Issues 17.05
Credit Risk 9.47
Market/Liquidity 5.68
Asset & Wealth Management 4.55
Parent Company-Nonbank 1.52

Note: As of 2019:Q2, there were 258 total outstanding supervisory findings for RBO firms.

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Figure 21. Outstanding supervisory findings by category, CBO firms

Type CBO (Percent)
IT and Operational Risk 30.15
Credit Risk 22.69
Risk Management, Internal Controls 18.64
Market/Liquidity 10.71
BSA/AML Issues 10.87
Asset & Wealth Management 5.09
Parent Company-Nonbank 1.84

Note: As of 2019:Q2, there were 2,023 total outstanding supervisory findings for CBO firms.

Source: Internal Federal Reserve supervisory databases.

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Last Update: December 05, 2019