6 results found for '663167003'

Series Description FOF Series StructureTable & Line #
FA663167003Security brokers and dealers; payables to customers (free credit, margin deposits, and other payables); liabilityTransactions at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR)
FL663167003Security brokers and dealers; payables to customers (free credit, margin deposits, and other payables); liabilityLevel, not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
FR663167003Security brokers and dealers; payables to customers (free credit, margin deposits, and other payables); liabilityRevaluation
FS663167003Security brokers and dealers; payables to customers (free credit, margin deposits, and other payables); liabilitySeasonal Factor
FU663167003Security brokers and dealers; payables to customers (free credit, margin deposits, and other payables); liabilityTransactions, not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
FV663167003Security brokers and dealers; payables to customers (free credit, margin deposits, and other payables); liabilityOther changes in volume