Annual level from Social Security Administration, Actuarial Note: Unfunded Obligation and Transition Costs for the OASDI Program, Table 3.-Closed Group Transition Cost and Maximum Transition Cost for the Combined Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Program, Maximum transition cost (100-year projection period), Present value. Beginning 2010, annual revaluations and other volume changes from the Social Security Administration, Fiscal Year Agency Financial Report, table Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance For Changing the 75-year Valuation Period. Revaluations are equal to Changes in economic data, assumptions, and methods. Other volume changes are equal to Changes in demographic data, assumptions, and methods and Changes in programmatic data and methods. Transactions are calculated as the change in level less the revaluations and other volume changes.
Last edited on: 07/15/2019