Series analyzer for FL794090005.Q

Domestic financial sectors; total financial assets

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= + FL713011005 + FL713012003 + FL713014003 + FL793020005 + FL793030005 + FL794010005 + FL794004005 + FL793092005 + FL793064005 + FL793090005 + FL793040005 + FL792050005 + FL793034005 + FL793070005 + FL543050005 + FL733091003 + FL633091003 + FL793094905

Shown on: L.108 Line 1, Levels_matrix Line 1:11, 720_matrix Line 1:3, SBS_matrix Line 1:2, S.6.Q Line 97
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL713011005.QMonetary authority; U.S. official reserve assets
+ FL713012003.QMonetary authority; Treasury currency; asset
+ FL713014003.QMonetary authority; SDR certificates issued by federal government; asset
+ FL793020005.QDomestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FL793030005.QDomestic financial sectors; total time and savings deposits; asset
+ FL794010005.QDomestic financial sectors; interbank transactions; asset
+ FL794004005.QDomestic financial sectors; debt securities and loans; asset
+ FL793092005.QDomestic financial sectors; U.S. direct investment abroad; asset
+ FL793064005.QDomestic financial sectors; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset
+ FL793090005.QDomestic financial sectors; total miscellaneous assets
+ FL793040005.QDomestic financial sectors; life insurance reserves; asset
+ FL792050005.QDomestic financial sectors; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; asset
+ FL793034005.QDomestic financial sectors; money market fund shares; asset
+ FL793070005.QDomestic financial sectors; trade receivables; asset
+ FL543050005.QLife insurance companies; pension entitlements reserve credit from reinsurers; asset
+ FL733091003.QHolding companies; private foreign deposits at affiliates; asset
+ FL633091003.QMoney market funds; private foreign deposits; asset
+ FL793094905.QDomestic financial sectors; miscellaneous other equity; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL792000095.QDomestic financial sectors; total assets (does not include land)
+ FL884090005.QAll domestic sectors; total financial assets
- FL792010405.QDomestic financial sectors; market value estimate of nonfinancial assets
/ FL010000266.QFinancial soundness indicator, other financial corporations; financial assets as a percent of total financial assets