Series analyzer for FR914190043.A

Other financial corporations and insurance companies and pension funds; liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations (FWTW)

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Levels and unadjusted transactions calculated as the sum of other financial corporation liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations via other loans and advances ( FOF series FL153067005 ), life insurance reserves ( FOF series FL153040005 less FL313140003 ), pension entitlements ( FOF series FL153050005 ), and miscellaneous liabilities (sum of FOF series FL153076005, FL153095105, FL143076005 ). Additionally, an estimated liability other financial corporation to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations is calculated by the FOF Section for repurchase agreements, GSE securities, commercial paper, corporate bonds, multifamily mortgages, and commercial mortgages. These estimates are based on the proportional share of nonfinancial businesses' and households and nonprofit organizations' holdings, issued by other financial corporations, after taking account of other known from-whom-to-whom relationships.

Last edited on: 03/08/2022
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL914190043.AOther financial corporations and insurance companies and pension funds; liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations (FWTW)
- FU914190043.AOther financial corporations and insurance companies and pension funds; liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations (FWTW)
- FV914190043.AOther financial corporations and insurance companies and pension funds; liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations (FWTW)

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL914190043.AOther financial corporations and insurance companies and pension funds; liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations (FWTW)
- FU914190043.AOther financial corporations and insurance companies and pension funds; liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations (FWTW)
- FV914190043.AOther financial corporations and insurance companies and pension funds; liabilities to nonfinancial businesses and households and nonprofit organizations (FWTW)