Series analyzer for FA105013365.A

Nonfinancial corporate business; nonresidential software, current cost basis

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Data Source

Year-end level from unpublished BEA data on nonfinancial corporate current cost stock of software ( a portion of Fixed Asset Table 4.1 Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Nonresidential Fixed Assets by Industry Group and Legal Form of Organization; line 40, corporate nonfinancial, Intellectual property products). Other quarter's levels are derived from year-end level, plus the quarterly unadjusted transactions calculated as gross investment ( FOF series FU105013033) less depreciation ( FOF series FU106330035), plus other volume changes and capital gains. Other volume changes are from unpublished BEA data on nonfinancial corporate business disaster losses on intellectual property products (a portion of NIPA, Table 5.1 Saving and Investment by Sector, line 60, Disaster losses, Domestic business), with the opposite sign. Capital gains are estimated based on NIPA, Table 1.1.4 Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product, line 12, Nonresidential, Intellectual property products.

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA105013033.ANonfinancial corporate business; gross fixed investment, nonresidential software
- FA106330033.ANonfinancial corporate business; consumption of fixed capital, nonresidential software, current cost basis

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA105015105.ANonfinancial corporate business; total fixed capital including software expenditures (SOI)
+ FA105013765.ANonfinancial corporate business; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis