Series analyzer for FA343073045.A

Federal government defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension funds on sponsor; asset

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= + FA344190045 - FA343020033 - FA344022045 - FA343064135 - FA343069245

Shown on: F.106 Line 55, F.119 Line 10, F.119.b Line 10, F.232 Line 35, F.234 Line 31, F.234 Line 34, 620_matrix Line 61:18, S.7.Q Line 66
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA344190045.AFederal government defined benefit retirement funds; pension entitlements (total liabilities)
- FA343020033.AFederal government retirement funds; checkable deposits and currency held by National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust; asset
- FA344022045.AFederal government defined benefit retirement funds; debt securities; asset
- FA343064135.AFederal government retirement funds; corporate equities held by National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust; asset
- FA343069245.AFederal government defined benefit retirement funds; nonmarketable Treasury securities; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA363173005.AGeneral government; claims of pension fund on sponsor; liability
+ FA593090005.APension funds; total miscellaneous assets
- FA342000075.AFederal government defined benefit retirement funds; total funded assets
+ FA344090005.AFederal government retirement funds; total financial assets
+ FA593073045.APension funds; defined benefit claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset
+ FA313154005.AFederal government; life insurance reserves and pension entitlements; liability
+ FA313152025.AFederal government; retirement entitlements; liability
+ FA344090045.AFederal government defined benefit retirement funds; total financial assets
+ FA593073005.APension funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset
+ FA583090005.AInsurance companies and pension funds; total miscellaneous assets
+ FA313190005.AFederal government; total miscellaneous liabilities
+ FA313152005.AFederal government; insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)