Series analyzer for FA793069165.A

Domestic financial sectors; short-term debt securities issued by non-residents; asset (FWTW)

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= + FA703069163 + FA633069123 + FA813069163 + FA583069163

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA703069163.APrivate depository institutions; commercial paper issued by the rest of the world; asset (FWTW)
+ FA633069123.AMoney market funds; commercial paper issued by the rest of the world; asset (FWTW)
+ FA813069163.AOther financial corporations; short-term debt securities issued by non-residents; asset (FWTW)
+ FA583069163.AInsurance companies and pension funds; short-term debt securities issued by non-residents; asset (FWTW)

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA794022065.ADomestic financial sectors; debt securities issued by the rest of the world; asset (FWTW)
- FA794022415.ADomestic financial sectors; short-term debt securities issued by residents; asset (FWTW)