Series analyzer for FL103165005.Q

Nonfinancial corporate business; total mortgages; liability

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= + FL103165055 + FL123165005

Shown on: L.103 Line 36, L.217 Line 9, B.103 Line 38, S.5.Q Line 148
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL103165055.QNonfinancial corporate business; total mortgages; liability (excluding eREITs)
+ FL123165005.QEquity real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL104142005.QNonfinancial corporate business; long-term loans; liability
- FL104140005.QNonfinancial corporate business; loans and short-term paper; liability
+ FL104135005.QNonfinancial corporate business; loans including foreign direct investment intercompany debt; liability
- FL104104905.QNonfinancial corporate business; other debt instruments (used in projection); liability
+ FL143165005.QNonfinancial business; total mortgages; liability