Data Dictionary

Item Number 6551

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
BHC06551 1990-09-30 1990-12-31 Yes FR Y-9C
BHC06551 1991-03-31 2000-12-31 No FR Y-9C
BHC26551 1990-09-30 1990-12-31 Yes FR Y-9C
BHC26551 1991-03-31 2000-12-31 No FR Y-9C
BHC56551 1993-03-31 2000-12-31 No FR Y-9C
BHC96551 1990-09-30 1990-12-31 Yes FR Y-9C
BHC96551 1991-03-31 2000-12-31 No FR Y-9C

Data Description:

Includes any direct credit substitutes not included in items 6566, 3429, 6601, 6602, and 6603. Direct credit substitutes comprise off-balance sheet guarantees (as they are appropriate to banking organizations), or equivalent instruments that back financial obligations, such as outstanding securities, loans, and other financial liabilities, or that back off-balance sheet items that requires capital under the Risk-Based Guidelines.

Includes the following: (1) any other insurance, surety arrangements or equivalent instruments, backing financial claims, such as outstanding securities, loans, or other financial liabilities, other than financial standby letters of credit; and (2) all forward agreements to purchase assets, including forward forward deposits placed and partially-paid shares and securities. Forward agreements are legally binding contractual obligations to purchase assets with certain drawdown at a specified future date.

Excludes forward forward deposits accepted, which are reported as an interest rate contract, and forward interest rate contracts.

The mnemonic prefixes for the risk weight columns represents the following:

   BHC0   = (Column A) 0%
   BHC2   = (Column B) 20%
   BHC5   = (Column C) 50%
   BHC9   = (Column D) 100%

For an detailed description of the broad categories of transactions that are assigned to each risk weight category (columns A through D) established by the Risk-Based Guidelines, see the Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FR Y-9C Schedule HC-I. If a bank holding company has not established the systems to determine the risk weight(s) applicable for a transaction, it has the option of risk-weighting that transaction at 100%.


Reported only by the top-tier bank holding companies with consolidated assets of $150 million or more.


Prior to 6/30/91, this schedule (Schedule HC-I) was reported as confidential. Also reported by bank holding companies with consolidated assets of $150 million or more but less than $1 billion.

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