Data Dictionary

Item Number 0020

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
CUSA0020 2020-03-31 9999-12-31 No NCUA 5300/5300S
EDDA0020 1980-11-05 9999-12-31 Yes
EDDM0020 1980-11-05 9999-12-31 Yes
EDDS0020 1980-11-05 9999-12-31 Yes FR 2900
FCDD0020 1990-01-22 1994-12-26 Yes FR 2915
FCDQ0020 1990-03-26 9999-12-31 Yes FR 2915
MKSD0020 1980-10-30 2001-11-05 Yes FR 2000
NMCU0020 1979-10-03 1980-07-02 Yes FR 2412
NMWS0020 1980-01-09 1980-10-29 Yes FR 2412
QEDS0020 1983-06-22 2020-12-21 Yes FR 2900
QMDS0020 1983-05-25 1983-12-21 Yes
QRDS0020 1981-01-21 1983-04-27 Yes FR 2900
RCFD0020 1978-12-31 9999-12-31 No Multiple Forms
RCFN0020 1978-12-31 9999-12-31 No Multiple Forms
RCON0020 1959-12-31 9999-12-31 No Multiple Forms
SBSR0020 1980-10-30 1999-01-11 Yes FR 2001
SUBD0020 1973-12-31 1977-12-31 Yes FR 314
SUBF0020 1973-12-31 1977-12-31 Yes FR 314
TEDS0020 1968-01-10 1980-11-05 Yes FR 414a
WRBK0020 1959-07-08 1983-12-28 Yes FR 2416
WRJK0020 1959-07-08 1983-12-28 Yes

Data Description:

Includes the total amount outstanding at domestic offices of cash items in process of collection and unposted debits that are immediately payable upon presentation in the United States. See item 0022. NOTE: Reported in Schedule A for the FFIEC 002 report. Excludes all transactions with related depository institutions. For the UBPR series, the FDIC's Data Element name is H-CASHITM BAGR Original Variable name: CCDO Formula: CCDO=IF DT ge 19591231 THEN CCDO = RCON0020/1000;

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024