Data Dictionary

Item Number 2402

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
EDDA2402 1980-11-05 1988-09-19 Yes
EDDM2402 1980-11-05 1988-09-19 Yes
EDDS2402 1980-11-05 1988-09-19 Yes FR 2900
MKSD2402 1984-01-31 1988-09-19 Yes FR 2000
QEDS2402 1983-06-22 1988-06-27 Yes FR 2900
QMDS2402 1983-05-25 1983-12-21 Yes
QRDS2402 1981-01-21 1983-04-27 Yes FR 2900
SBSR2402 1984-01-31 1988-09-18 Yes FR 2001

Data Description:

Includes savings deposits of individuals that are authorized for automatic transfer to demand deposit or other accounts pursuant to written agreement arranged in advance between the reporting institution and the depositor.

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Last update: Aug 29, 2024