Data Dictionary

Item Number 2563

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
EDDA2563 1980-11-05 1991-09-16 Yes
EDDM2563 1980-11-05 1991-09-16 Yes
EDDS2563 1980-11-05 1991-09-16 Yes FR 2900
QEDS2563 1983-06-22 1991-06-24 Yes FR 2900
QMDS2563 1983-05-25 1983-12-21 Yes
QRDS2563 1981-01-21 1983-04-27 Yes FR 2900

Data Description:

Personal time deposits, regardless of original maturity, are funds deposited to the credit of, or in which the entire beneficial interest is held by a natural person. Includes a time deposit that was issued before October 1, 1980 to and held by a natural person, regardless of its transferability; a time deposit that is issued to and held by a natural person and that contains a statement on the document that evidences the account whether in certificate, passbook, statement or book entry form that it is not transferable or that it is transferable only on the books of, or with the permission of, the reporting institution; Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and KEOGH plan time deposits; nontransferable time deposits held by a trustee or other fiduciary, whether or not a natural person, if the entire beneficial interest in the time deposits is held by a natural person; escrow accounts; and club accounts (reported by all depository institutions except commercial banks that were members of the Federal Reserve System (a) on or after July 1, 1979 but that withdrew from membership prior to September 1, 1980; or (b) on September 1, 1980, and Edge Act or Agreement Corporations).

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Last update: Aug 29, 2024