Data Dictionary

Item Number 6461

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
EDDS6461 1984-02-06 2013-06-30 Yes FR 2900
SVGL6461 1984-03-31 1984-03-31 Yes FHLBB 1313

Data Description:

Includes an estimate of the amount of reserves being passed through correspondent institutions by individual respondent institutions in order to meet their reserve requirement. This item is being used to aid in the calculation of excess reserves by entity type. The derivation is as follows: If Z code (EDDS6984) = 1, value x = [0180 - (0117 + 0118)] If Z code (EDDS6984) = 0, 2, or 3, value x = null This item is only to be derived every 14 day flow period, that is week 2 of a computation period. Only those records where Z code = 1 should be aggregated for this item. Aggregation is performed by district, by entity type. NOTE: No data in the FDR for series SVGL.

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024