Data Dictionary

Item Number 9170
Lending Reserve District

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
BORA9170 2010-06-30 9999-12-31 Yes
EDDS9170 1980-10-30 9999-12-31 Yes FR 2900
EDQR9170 1983-06-22 2000-06-26 Yes FR 2910q
FRBS9170 2010-06-30 9999-12-31 Yes FR 34
GOLD9170 2010-06-30 9999-12-31 Yes
MKSM9170 2010-06-30 2014-04-14 Yes
MMRM9170 1991-02-28 2007-03-31 Yes FR 2051b
MMRW9170 1991-05-01 9999-12-31 Yes
MTBL9170 1977-03-07 1979-01-01 Yes FR 2028c
QFCS9170 1955-01-01 9999-12-31 Yes
RPSR9170 1982-01-06 1982-01-06 Yes
RPSR9170 1982-12-08 1982-12-08 Yes
RSSD9170 1959-12-31 9999-12-31 No
SDSL9170 1990-03-31 9999-12-31 No OMB 1500-004
SUMD9170 1966-06-30 9999-12-31 No
SUMS9170 1994-01-01 9999-12-31 No

Data Description:

MSLP: Federal Reserve District of Lender PPLF - Lending Reserve District The two-digit numeric code assigned to the Federal Reserve District that denotes the physical location of the entity. The value for this field is derived from state and county code. (For translation of codes, see directories entitled, Federal Reserve System Subdivisions (CUV_SUBDIV_FRS) and Text Names for Federal Reserve System Subdivisions (CUV_SUBDIV_FRS_NM).) 0 = Not applicable (individuals, non U.S. domiciled entities, and pseudo entities) 01   Boston              02   New York              03   Philadelphia              04   Cleveland           05   Richmond           06   Atlanta           07   Chicago 08   St. Louis              09   Minneapolis    10   Kansas City 11   Dallas 12   San Francisco 13   Washington, D.C. NOTE: For "SURV" and "SURH", reported in the DB2 table from a SAS file. For QFCS collected on survey. COMPARABILITY: Effective January 24, 1972, 24 counties in western Missouri were transferred from the St. Louis Federal Reserve District (08) to the Kansas City District (10). Effective January 1, 1977, 5 counties in southeastern Arizona were transferred from the Dallas Federal Reserve District (11) to the San Francisco District (12). Effective May 24, 1984, 8 counties in southeast Oklahoma were transferred from the Dallas Federal Reserve District (11) to the Kansas City District (10).

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024