Data Dictionary

Item Number J852

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
FRBSJ852 1989-12-31 9999-12-31 Yes FR 34

Data Description:

Differences are reported in the account to permit settlement between incoming and outgoing work processed in various areas. A difference is an out-of-balance condition resulting from the normal operation of a department where it is probable that the difference will not be resolved or where it is decided that it is not economically feasible to conduct further research. The account thus contains amounts that the Bank has determined to be either uncollectible or else not worth the effort of doing so. While their disposition is considered final, entries to this account are subject to reversal. The account contains both overages and shortages and is shown net on the asset side of FR 34. The balance in this account should be removed and applied to current expense monthly and at year-end regardless of the year in which the differences originated. At the option of any District, unresolved items in the Adjustments, net or Suspense accounts for which research is complete may be written off directly to Current expense, bypassing the Difference account, providing the General Auditor agrees that sufficient control and documentation exist to ensure a clear audit trail absent the Difference account entries. An expensed item that is resolved subsequently should be applied directly to expenses of the current period. General ledger accounts are maintained as necessary to permit effective control. The sources of differences are generally as follows:

- Currency and Coin. Tellers verifying incoming deposits are sometimes unable to locate differences in the work. Also, institutions will report back any differences that they find in shipments from the Reserve Bank. Any difference identifiable as to depositing institution is applied back to the depositor and is not entered in this account. Differences that result from counterfeits identified during alternative currency processing should be charged to this account.
- Other. Internal differences may occur in a variety of Reserve Bank settlement operations such as the balancing of paid savings bonds, cafeteria receipts, and postmaster's deposits. Any difference that will be resolved and reversed should be posted to a suspense account.

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024