Data Dictionary

Item Number J862

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
FRBSJ862 1989-12-31 9999-12-31 Yes FR 34

Data Description:

As part of its function as Fiscal Agent for the United States Treasury, and as provided by Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, each of the Reserve Banks maintains a deposit account for the Treasury. Deposits in this account include funds realized on the sale of government securities or savings bonds, Federal tax receipts, payments for goods or services rendered by the Government, and payments of Reserve Bank earnings. The account is used by Treasury to make interest payments and redemption payments on government obligations and to pay government checks and other items drawn on the account. Prior to closing each day's books, the balance in this account is consolidated at the New York Reserve Bank.

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024