Data Dictionary

Item Number J908

Call confidentiality applies to FFIEC 031/041.

Series Start Date End Date Confidential? Reporting Forms
FRBSJ908 1989-12-31 9999-12-31 Yes FR 34

Data Description:

Represents the outstanding paid-in value of capital stock issued to member banks as required by law. The par value of shares is one hundred dollars and the paid-in value is fifty dollars. A member bank is required to subscribe to the capital stock of its Reserve Bank in an amount equal to 6 percent of its capital and surplus. Half of the
subscription is paid in and the other half is subject to call. (The shares do not carry the power through voting to control the management of the Reserve Bank as does ordinary stock in private banks and corporations.) Changes in a member bank's stock or surplus
may require an adjustment in its holdings of the Reserve Bank's capital stock as outlined in Regulation I. The stock may not be transferred, nor may the owning bank hypothecate its shares.

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024