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You Searched For: QF06

QF06 is a Confidential Series

MDRM Item Start Date End Date Item Name Reporting Forms
QF064769 2010-09-30 9999-12-31 OTHER EXPLANATIONS FR 3033s

Glossary File:
The Federal Reserve System has surveyed the assets and liabilities of finance companies at roughly five-year intervals since 1955. The survey provides a benchmark for the System's monthly report on the outstanding accounts receivable of finance companies (presented in the Federal Reserve System's G.20 statistical release) and provides a comprehensive update on these companies' sources of funds. This information in turn becomes an important input to the estimates of total consumer credit (presented in the Federal Reserve's G.19 statistical release) and the U.S. flow of funds accounts, all produced by the Federal Reserve System.

The quinquennial finance company survey had traditionally collected balance sheet information from non-depository institutions for which the combination of sales finance receivables, personal cash loans, short- and intermediate-term business loans, and junior liens on real estate represent the largest portion of assets. This definition excluded mortgage companies, which are non-depository institutions that specialize in first liens on real estate. However, with this quinquennial survey, the Federal Reserve System has changed the panel definition to include mortgage companies. This change is intended to improve the System's estimates of financial flows, particularly household mortgage debt growth.

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024