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You Searched For: FRBC

FRBC is a Public Series

MDRM Item Start Date End Date Item Name Reporting Forms
FRBCMZ37 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Agricultural Finance Databook
FRBCMZ38 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base
FRBCMZ39 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States
FRBCMZ40 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks
FRBCMZ41 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Automated Clearinghouse Services - Data
FRBCMZ42 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks
FRBCMZ43 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Check Services - Data
FRBCMZ44 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Commercial Paper Funding Facility
FRBCMZ45 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding Summary - Commercial Paper Outstanding
FRBCMZ46 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding Summary - Commercial Paper Rates
FRBCMZ47 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding Summary - Maturity Distribution of Commercial Paper Outstanding
FRBCMZ48 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding Summary - Volume Statistics for Commercial Paper Issuance
FRBCMZ49 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding Summary - Year-end Commercial Paper Outstanding
FRBCMZ50 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) - Analytics Data Tables
FRBCMZ51 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Performance Evaluations - Search (Federal Reserve Supervised Banks)
FRBCMZ52 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Search Exam Schedules (Federal Reserve Supervised Banks)
FRBCMZ53 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consumer & Community Context
FRBCMZ54 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consumer Credit
FRBCMZ55 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Currency and Coin Services - Data
FRBCMZ56 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Currency Print Orders
FRBCMZ57 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Data Collections Currently under Review by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
FRBCMZ58 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Data Download Program
FRBCMZ59 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Daylight Overdrafts and Fees - Biweekly
FRBCMZ60 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Daylight Overdrafts and Fees - Quarterly
FRBCMZ61 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Distributional Financial Accounts
FRBCMZ62 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Experiences and Perspectives of Young Workers
FRBCMZ63 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances
FRBCMZ64 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Open Market Committee - Transcripts and other Historical Materials
FRBCMZ65 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve System Audited Annual Financial Statements
FRBCMZ66 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Banks Combined Quarterly Financial Reports (Unaudited)
FRBCMZ67 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Bulletin
FRBCMZ68 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Calendar
FRBCMZ69 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Conferences
FRBCMZ70 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Payments Study
FRBCMZ71 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Photo Gallery
FRBCMZ72 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Press Releases
FRBCMZ73 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Supervision & Regulation Letters
FRBCMZ74 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Supervision and Regulation Report
FRBCMZ75 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Videos
FRBCMZ76 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 FEDS Notes
FRBCMZ77 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Fedwire Funds Services - Data
FRBCMZ78 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Fedwire Securities Services - Data
FRBCMZ79 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS)
FRBCMZ80 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Finance Companies
FRBCMZ81 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Financial Accounts of the United States
FRBCMZ82 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1 - Enhanced Financial Accounts
FRBCMZ83 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1 - Highlights
FRBCMZ84 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Financial Accounts of the United States - International Data Submissions
FRBCMZ85 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Foreign Exchange Rates - G.5
FRBCMZ86 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Foreign Exchange Rates - G.5a
FRBCMZ87 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Foreign Exchange Rates
FRBCMZ88 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 FRASER
FRBCMZ89 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 FRB Estimates of Manufacturing Investment, Capital Stock, and Capital Services
FRBCMZ90 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data
FRBCMZ91 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios
FRBCMZ92 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 In the Shadow of the Great Recession: Experiences and Perspectives of Young Workers
FRBCMZ93 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization
FRBCMZ94 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities, Domestic and Foreign Offices
FRBCMZ95 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Interest on Required Reserve Balances and Excess Balances
FRBCMZ96 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 International Finance Discussion Papers (IFDP)
FRBCMZ97 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 International Summary Statistics
FRBCMZ98 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Large Commercial Banks
FRBCMZ99 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Main Street Expanded Loan Facility
FRBCNA00 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Main Street New Loan Facility
FRBCNA01 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Main Street Priority Loan Facility
FRBCNA02 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Fed Partnership for Progress: A Program for Minority-Owned Institutions from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
FRBCNA03 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Minority-Owned Depository Institutions Lists
FRBCNA04 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Monetary Policy Report
FRBCNA05 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility
FRBCNA06 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Money Stock and Debt Measures
FRBCNA07 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Mortgage Debt Outstanding
FRBCNA08 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Municipal Liquidity Facility
FRBCNA09 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 National Information Center (NIC) Website
FRBCNA10 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 National Settlement Service - Data
FRBCNA11 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 New Security Issues, State and Local Governments
FRBCNA12 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 New Security Issues, U.S. Corporations
FRBCNA13 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility
FRBCNA14 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Primary Dealer Credit Facility
FRBCNA15 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility
FRBCNA16 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Quarterly Report on Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Developments
FRBCNA17 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Report Forms
FRBCNA18 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility
FRBCNA19 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Securities Holdings and Transactions
FRBCNA20 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Securities Underwriting & Dealing Subsidiaries
FRBCNA21 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Selected Interest Rates - Monthly
FRBCNA22 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Selected Interest Rates - Business Daily
FRBCNA23 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Semiannual Report on Banking Applications Activity
FRBCNA24 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms
FRBCNA25 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Senior Financial Officer Survey
FRBCNA26 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices
FRBCNA27 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Small Business Lending Survey
FRBCNA28 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Speeches of Federal Reserve Officials
FRBCNA29 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Statistical Release Calendar
FRBCNA30 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Statistics Reported by Banks and Other Financial Firms in the United States
FRBCNA31 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States
FRBCNA32 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Stress Tests and Capital Planning - Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review
FRBCNA33 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Stress Tests and Capital Planning - Dodd-Frank Act Stress Tests
FRBCNA34 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Structure and Share Data for U.S. Banking Offices of Foreign Entities
FRBCNA35 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF)
FRBCNA36 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking
FRBCNA37 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Survey of Terms of Business Lending
FRBCNA38 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
FRBCNA39 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Testimony of Federal Reserve Officials
FRBCNA40 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Yield Curve Models and Data - Nominal Yield Curve
FRBCNA41 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Yield Curve Models and Data - Three-Factor Nominal Term Structure Model
FRBCNA42 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Yield Curve Models and Data - TIPS Yield Curve and Inflation Compensation
FRBCNA43 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Employer Information Report EEO-1
FRBCNA44 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 No FEAR Act 16th Annual Report-2019
FRBCNA45 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database
FRBCNA46 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet - Recent Balance Sheet Trends
FRBCNA47 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Actions of the Board, its Staff, and the Federal Reserve Banks; Applications and Reports Received
FRBCNA48 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice of Formations and Mergers of, and Acquisitions by, Bank Holding Companies; Change in Bank Control
FRBCNA49 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Proposals for Comment
FRBCNA50 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Annual Report
FRBCNA51 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Annual Report on the Freedom of Information Act
FRBCNA52 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Annual Report on Preserving Minority Depository Institutions
FRBCNA53 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Country Exposure Lending Survey
FRBCNA54 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consumer Affairs Letters
FRBCNA55 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Chair Powell's Calendar
FRBCNA56 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Budget Records
FRBCNA57 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank
FRBCNA58 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Uniform Bank Performance Report
FRBCNA59 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Household Debt by State, County, and MSA
FRBCNA60 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Section 529 College Plans by State
FRBCNA61 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Geographic Detail for Owner-Occupied Housing Wealth
FRBCNA62 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Depository Institutions: Consolidated Balance Sheet
FRBCNA63 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Depository Institutions: Off-Balance-Sheet Items
FRBCNA64 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Depository Institutions: Mortgage and Consumer Loan Portfolios by Probability of Default
FRBCNA65 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Hedge Funds
FRBCNA66 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 State and Local Government Defined Benefit Pension Plans by State
FRBCNA67 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Money Market Funds: Investment Holdings Detail by Month
FRBCNA68 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Funding Agreement-Backed Securities (FABS)
FRBCNA69 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Equity Issuance and Retirement
FRBCNA70 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Syndicated Loan Portfolios of Financial Institutions
FRBCNA71 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 International Portfolio Investment Holdings of Long-term Securities by Country
FRBCNA72 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Government Securities Dealers Reports
FRBCNA73 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities
FRBCNA74 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Margin Credit Reports
FRBCNA75 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks; Report of Assets and Liabilities of a Non-U.S. Branch that is Managed or Controlled by a U.S. Branch or Agency of a Foreign (Non-U.S.) Bank
FRBCNA76 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Application for Federal Reserve Bank Stock (For Use By DeNovo National Banks), Application for Federal Reserve Bank Stock (For Use By Nonmember State Banks Converting into National Banks), Application for Adjustment in Holding of Federal Reserve Bank Stock
FRBCNA77 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Applications for Membership in the Federal Reserve System
FRBCNA78 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Survey of Small Business and Farm Lending
FRBCNA79 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Foreign Branch Report of Condition; Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of Condition
FRBCNA80 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Weekly Report of Selected Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks and U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks
FRBCNA81 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Quarterly Report of Assets and Liabilities of Large Foreign Offices of U.S. Banks
FRBCNA82 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consolidated Report of Condition and Income for Edge and Agreement Corporations
FRBCNA83 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reports of Deposits
FRBCNA84 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reports Related to Securities of State Member Banks as Required by Regulation H
FRBCNA85 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Transfer Agent Registration and Amendment Form
FRBCNA86 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Uniform Application for Municipal Securities Principal or Municipal Securities Representative Associated with a Bank Municipal Securities Dealer and Uniform Termination Notice for Municipal Securities Principal or Municipal Securities Representative Associated with a Bank Municipal Securities Dealer
FRBCNA87 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Application for a Foreign Organization to Acquire a U.S. Bank or Bank Holding Company
FRBCNA88 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Application for Prior Approval to Become a Bank Holding Company or for a Bank Holding Company to Acquire an Additional Bank or Bank Holding Company
FRBCNA89 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Foreign Banking Organizations; FR Y-7N and Abbreviated Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Foreign Banking Organizations, The Capital and Asset Report for Foreign Banking Organizations
FRBCNA90 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates Institutions with covered transactions
FRBCNA91 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies, Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Large Holding Companies, Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Holding Companies, Financial Statements Employee Stock Ownership Plan Holding Companies, Supplement to the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies
FRBCNA92 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Interagency Notice of Change in Bank Control, Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Senior Executive Officer, and Interagency Biographical or Financial Report
FRBCNA93 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Interagency Bank Merger Act Application
FRBCNA94 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Procurement Solicitation Package
FRBCNA95 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Suspicious Activity Report
FRBCNA96 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Country Exposure Report for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks
FRBCNA97 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Annual Daylight Overdraft Capital Report for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks
FRBCNA98 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice By Financial Institutions of Government Securities Broker or Government Securities Dealer Activities, Notice By Financial Institutions of Termination of Activities as a Government Securities Broker or Government Securities Dealer
FRBCNA99 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies, Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies - four financial data items for less significant subsidiaries
FRBCNB00 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Quinquennial Finance Company Survey
FRBCNB01 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notifications Related to Community Development and Public Welfare Investments by State Member Banks Pursuant to Section 208.22 of Regulation H
FRBCNB02 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity
FRBCNB03 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Semiannual Report of Derivatives Activity
FRBCNB04 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Selected Balance Sheet Items for Discount Window Borrowers
FRBCNB05 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Annual Salary Survey; Ad hoc Surveys
FRBCNB06 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Structure Reporting Requirements for Domestic and Foreign Banking Organizations
FRBCNB07 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consolidated Bank Holding Company Report of Equity Investments in Nonfinancial Companies, Annual Report of Merchant Banking Investments Held for an Extended Period
FRBCNB08 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Intermittent Survey of Businesses
FRBCNB09 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Regulatory Capital Reporting for Institutions Subject to the Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework
FRBCNB10 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Supervisory and Regulatory Survey
FRBCNB11 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Payment Systems Surveys
FRBCNB12 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Savings Association Holding Company Report
FRBCNB13 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Savings and Loan Holding Company Registration Statement
FRBCNB14 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice or Application For Capital Distribution
FRBCNB15 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice of Mutual Holding Company Reorganization; Application for Approval of a Stock Issuance by a Subsidiary Holding Company of a Mutual Holding Company; Application for Conversion of a Mutual Holding Company to Stock Form; Proxy Statement; Offering Circular; and Order Form
FRBCNB16 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Capital Assessments and Stress Testing
FRBCNB17 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Government Prepaid Card Survey (States & Depository Institutions)
FRBCNB18 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Interchange Transaction Fees Surveys
FRBCNB19 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Quarterly Savings and Loan Holding Company Report
FRBCNB20 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Retail Payment Surveys
FRBCNB21 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Banking Organization Systemic Risk Report
FRBCNB22 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Payments Research Survey
FRBCNB23 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Report of Selected Money Market Rates
FRBCNB24 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Surveys of Consumer and Community Affairs Publications and Resources
FRBCNB25 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consumer and Stakeholder Studies
FRBCNB26 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in and Relationships with Covered Funds (Regulation VV)
FRBCNB27 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Complex Institution Liquidity Monitoring Report
FRBCNB28 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Policy Impact Survey
FRBCNB29 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting Requirements Associated with Regulation XX (Concentration Limit) (Reg XX); Financial Company Report of Consolidated Liabilities (FR XX-1)
FRBCNB30 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Market Risk Regulatory Report for Institutions Subject to the Market Risk Capital Rule
FRBCNB31 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Federal Reserve Board Public Website Usability Survey
FRBCNB32 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 New Hire Information Collection
FRBCNB33 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Report of Institution-to-Aggregate Granular Data on Assets and Liabilities on an Immediate Counterparty Basis
FRBCNB34 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Single-Counterparty Credit Limits
FRBCNB35 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation LL
FRBCPF82 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Annual Report of Net Debit Cap
FRBCPF83 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Application for Membership for the Community Advisory Council
FRBCPF84 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Basel II Interagency Pillar 2 Supervisory Guidance
FRBCPF85 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Conformance Period for Entities Engaged in Prohibited Proprietary Trading or Private Equity Fund or Hedge Fund Activities
FRBCPF86 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic and Foreign Offices (031); Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic Offices Only (041); and Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic Offices Only and Total Assets Less than $1 Billion (051)
FRBCPF87 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Consumer Satisfaction Questionnaire, Federal Reserve Consumer Help-Consumer Survey, Consumer Online Complaint Form, and Appraisal Complaint Form
FRBCPF88 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Country Exposure Report; Country Exposure Information Report
FRBCPF89 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements
FRBCPF90 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Disclosure Requirements of Subpart H of Regulation H (Consumer Protections in Sales of Insurance)
FRBCPF91 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Domestic Branch Notification (Expedited)
FRBCPF92 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Filings Related to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act)
FRBCPF93 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Financial Statements of Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Banking Organizations
FRBCPF94 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 HMDA Loan/Application Register (as required by Reg C, the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act)
FRBCPF95 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Inter-agency Guidance on Funding Liquidity Risk Management
FRBCPF96 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 International Applications and Prior Notifications Under Subpart B of Regulation K
FRBCPF97 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 International Applications and Prior Notifications under Subparts A and C of Regulation K
FRBCPF98 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Investment in Bank Premises Notification
FRBCPF99 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Joint Standards for Assessing Diversity Policies and Practices (Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI)
FRBCPG00 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice Claiming Status as an Exempt Transfer Agent
FRBCPG01 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice of Branch Closure
FRBCPG02 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice of Proposed Stock Redemption
FRBCPG03 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice Requirements in Connection with Regulation V (FACT Act) Fair Credit
FRBCPG04 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notice Requirements in Connection with Regulation W (Transactions Between Member Banks and Their Affiliates)
FRBCPG05 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Notification of Nonfinancial Data Processing Activities
FRBCPG06 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Ongoing Intermittent Survey of Households
FRBCPG07 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Prohibited Service at Savings and Loan Holding Companies (Application for exemption)
FRBCPG08 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Quarterly Report of Interest Rates on Selected Direct Consumer Installment Loans, and Quarterly Report on Credit Card Plans
FRBCPG09 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Provisions Associated with Stress Testing Guidance
FRBCPG10 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Credit Risk Retention (Regulation RR)
FRBCPG11 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Loans Secured by Real Estate Located in Flood Hazard Areas Pursuant to Section 208.25 of Regulation H
FRBCPG12 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation II
FRBCPG13 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Securities Transactions Pursuant to Section 208.8(k)(2, 3, & 5) of Regulation H
FRBCPG14 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Associated with Regulation Y (Capital Plans)
FRBCPG15 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Associated with Leveraged Lending Guidance
FRBCPG16 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Changes in Foreign Investments (Pursuant to Regulation K)
FRBCPG17 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Real Estate Appraisal Standards for Federally Related Transactions Pursuant to Regulations H and Y
FRBCPG18 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Real Estate Lending Standards
FRBCPG19 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with the Interagency Statement on Complex Structured Finance Activities
FRBCPG20 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Requirements of Regulation H and Regulation K Associated with Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Programs
FRBCPG21 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Registration of a Securities Holding Company
FRBCPG22 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Registration of Mortgage Loan Originators
FRBCPG23 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Margin and Capital Requirements for Covered Swaps Entities (Regulation KK)
FRBCPG24 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Regulation L
FRBCPG25 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements of Regulation H and Regulation Y Associated with Minimum Requirements for Appraisal Management Companies
FRBCPG26 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting Requirements Associated with Regulation A
FRBCPG27 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting Requirements Associated with Regulation QQ( Resolution Plans Required)
FRBCPG28 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting Requirements Associated with Supervision and Regulation Assessments of Fees (Regulation TT)
FRBCPG29 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation BB
FRBCPG30 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation YY
FRBCPG31 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements associated with Regulation Z Truth in Lending) and Regulation AA (Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices)
FRBCPG32 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions (Regulation NN
FRBCPG33 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Rules Regarding Availability of Information
FRBCPG34 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with the Regulation WW
FRBCPG35 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Request for Extension of Time to Dispose of Assets Acquired in Satisfaction of Debts Previously Contracted
FRBCPG36 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reverse Mortgage Products Guidance for Managing Compliance and Reputation Risks
FRBCPG37 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Risk-Based Capital Standards: Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework
FRBCPG38 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Risk-Based Capital Standards: Market Risk
FRBCPG39 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Savings and Loan Holding Company Application
FRBCPG42 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Survey of Consumer Finances
FRBCPG43 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Survey of Household Economics and Decision-making
FRBCPG45 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with the Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice
FRBCPG46 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Uniform Termination Notice for Municipal Securities Principal or Municipal Securities Representative Associated with a Bank Municipal Securities Dealer
FRBCPG47 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Written Security Program for State Member Banks
FRBCPG48 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Applications for Employment with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
FRBCPG49 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with the Bureau's Regulation E
FRBCPG50 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with CFPB's Regulation B
FRBCPG51 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Disclosure Requirements Associated with CFPB's Regulation M
FRBCPG52 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation CC
FRBCPG53 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Disclosure Requirements Associated with CFPB's Regulation DD
FRBCPG54 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation R
FRBCPG55 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Regulation GG
FRBCPG56 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Provisions Associated with the Guidance on Sound Incentive Compensation Policies
FRBCPG57 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Regulation F
FRBCPG58 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation O
FRBCPG59 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Treasury Securities and Agency Debt and Mortgage-Backed Securities Reporting Requirements
FRBCPR61 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Regulation Q
FRBCPR62 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Computer-Security Incident Notification
FRBCPR63 2019-01-14 9999-12-31 Reporting Requirements Associated with Regulation Y (Extension of Time to Conform to the Volcker Rule)

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Last update: Sep 18, 2024