Meet the Researchers
The Federal Reserve Board employs more than 500 researchers, including more than 400 Ph.D. economists, who represent an exceptionally diverse range of interests and specific areas of expertise. Board researchers conduct cutting edge research, produce numerous working papers and notes, and are among the leading contributors at professional meetings and in major journals. Our researchers also produce a wide variety of economic analyses and forecasts for the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee.
International Finance
The Division of International Finance is responsible for basic research, policy analysis, and reporting in the areas of foreign economic activity, U.S. external trade and capital flows, and developments in international financial markets and institutions. Research responsibilities are shared by staff economists in the sections listed below as well as by the officers in the Program Direction group.
Global Capital Markets
The Global Capital Markets section follows developments in the international financial markets and conducts long-term research on topics related to private capital markets in both developed and developing economies. Topics include equity and corporate debt issuance and pricing; earnings releases and forecasts; and corporate investment activity and leverage. Section economists are involved in not only analysis of important policy issues, but also issues of interest to the broader academic financial economist community. Section economists regularly attend conferences to present their research and have been published in top economic and finance journals.
International Finance
International Finance
International Finance
International Finance
International Finance
International Finance