The Federal Reserve Board employs more than 500 researchers, including more than 400 Ph.D. economists, who represent an exceptionally diverse range of interests and specific areas of expertise. Board researchers conduct cutting edge research, produce numerous working papers and notes, and are among the leading contributors at professional meetings and in major journals. Our researchers also produce a wide variety of economic analyses and forecasts for the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee.

Last Name:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Field of Interest:

Monetary Affairs

The Division of Monetary Affairs supports the Board and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) in their monetary policy deliberations by preparing research and analysis in the fields of finance, money and banking, and monetary policy design and implementation. The Division also assists the Board and FOMC in preparing policy communications, maintains records of FOMC deliberations and decisions, and produces monetary and financial data. In addition, the Division contributes to the Board’s supervisory, regulatory, and financial stability functions.

Program Direction

Program Direction facilitates staff efforts to carry out the Division's mission by setting objectives, allocating resources, and coordinating and overseeing the Division's work. In addition, official staff in Program Direction support the Board and the FOMC by preparing research and analysis on a wide range of monetary policy issues, by directing the FOMC Secretariat, by acting as a liaison with the Open Market Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in connection with open market operations and implementation of monetary policy, and by contributing to Board efforts surrounding supervision, regulation, and financial stability. Program Direction staff also participate on Board & System oversight committees and represent the Federal Reserve on international and domestic interagency working groups.

Job Role:
Image of Board Seal
Brian J. Bonis Assistant Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
Photo of David Bowman
David Bowman Senior Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Mark A. Carlson
Mark A. Carlson Adviser Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
Image of Board Seal
James A. Clouse Deputy Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Margaret DeBoer
Margaret DeBoer Deputy Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Rochelle M. Edge
Rochelle M. Edge Deputy Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
Photo of Eric C. Engstrom
Eric C. Engstrom Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Giovanni Favara
Giovanni Favara Assistant Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Joshua Gallin
Joshua Gallin Secretary of the FOMC Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
Photo of Christopher J. Gust
Christopher J. Gust Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Jane E. Ihrig
Jane E. Ihrig Senior Adviser Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Benjamin K. Johannsen
Benjamin K. Johannsen Assistant Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Don H. Kim
Don H. Kim Senior Adviser Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Dan Li
Dan Li Assistant Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
Image of Board Seal
Laura Lipscomb Deputy Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
Photo of J David Lopez-Salido
J David Lopez-Salido Senior Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Andrew C. Meldrum
Andrew C. Meldrum Assistant Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Edward Nelson
Edward Nelson Senior Adviser Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Trevor A. Reeve
Trevor A. Reeve Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Zeynep Senyuz
Zeynep Senyuz Deputy Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Robert J. Tetlow
Robert J. Tetlow Senior Adviser Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Image of Board Seal
Annette Vissing-Jorgensen Senior Adviser Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Min Wei
Min Wei Senior Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Rebecca Zarutskie
Rebecca Zarutskie Deputy Associate Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
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Last Update: July 22, 2024