2007 Press Releases
Federal Reserve intends to continue TAF auctions as necessary
Monetary Policy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Annual notice of asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions, Regulation C
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Monetary Policy
Board will be closed on December 24, 2007
Other Announcements
Approval of proposal by Fortis
Orders on Banking Applications
Approval of proposal by First Citizens Banc Corp
Orders on Banking Applications
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Termination of enforcement action against Putnam County Bank
Enforcement Actions
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, October 30-31, 2007
Monetary Policy
Approval of proposal by China Merchants Bank
Orders on Banking Applications
Approval of proposal by Midwest Regional Bancorp
Orders on Banking Applications
Approval of proposal by Allied Irish Banks
Orders on Banking Applications
Board approves fee schedule for Federal Reserve Bank priced services
Other Announcements
Approval of proposal by KeyCorp
Orders on Banking Applications
Board approves final rules to implement Basel II risk-based capital framework
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Monetary Policy
Agencies Issue Final Rules on Identity Theft Red Flags and Notices of Address Discrepancy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Agencies Issue Final Rules on Affiliate Marketing
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Board releases new publication: 5 Tips for Protecting Your Checking Account
Other Announcements
Approval of proposal by ICICI Bank Limited
Orders on Banking Applications
Termination of enforcement action against Progress Bancshares
Enforcement Actions
Approval of proposal by Citigroup
Orders on Banking Applications
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, September 18, 2007
Monetary Policy
Board's Consumer Advisory Council will meet on October 25
Other Announcements
Termination of enforcement action against Cowboy State Bancorp
Enforcement Actions
Agencies Propose Joint Rule to Implement Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Written agreement with Great River Bank & Trust
Enforcement Actions
Annual adjustments for reserve calculations and deposit reporting, Regulation D
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Approval of proposal by County Bank
Orders on Banking Applications
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Agencies Adopt Final Rules to Implement the Bank “Broker” Provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Agencies Issue Final Rules On Expanded Examination Cycle for Certain Institutions
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
New $5 Bill Debuts During “Wi-5” Event
Other Announcements
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Monetary Policy
Board announces website redesign
Other Announcements
Approval of proposal by Bank of America Corporation
Orders on Banking Applications
Termination of enforcement action against Putnam-Greene Financial Corporation
Enforcement Actions
D. Nathan Sheets appointed as director, Division of International Finance
Other Announcements
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Written agreement with Premier Bank
Enforcement Actions
Approval of proposal by National City Corporation
Orders on Banking Applications
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against Capital City Bank
Enforcement Actions
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, August 7, 2007
Monetary Policy
Approval of proposal by Wells Fargo & Company
Orders on Banking Applications
Monetary Policy
Approval of proposal by The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine
Orders on Banking Applications
Federal Reserve Board discount rate action
Monetary Policy
Written agreement with Marco Community Bank
Enforcement Actions
Written agreement with Anadarko Bank & Trust Company
Enforcement Actions
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against Chemical Bank
Enforcement Actions
Restructuring of the check processing operations in the Ninth and Tenth Districts, Regulation CC
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against Hanmi Bank
Enforcement Actions
Approval of proposal by The Bank of Nova Scotia
Orders on Banking Applications
Written agreement with Marshall BankFirst and BANKFIRST
Enforcement Actions
Monetary Policy
Approval of proposal by Mercantile Bancorp
Orders on Banking Applications
Approval of proposal by Caixa Econômica Federal
Orders on Banking Applications
Order of prohibition against Richard N. DeLong
Enforcement Actions
Annual adjustment of fee-based trigger for additional mortgage loan disclosures
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Maureen Hannan appointed as director, Division of Information Technology
Other Announcements
Termination of enforcement action against Texas State Bank
Enforcement Actions
Charles L. Evans named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Other Announcements
Banking Agencies Reach Agreement on Basel II Implementation
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Cease and desist order against Rick W. Bouse
Enforcement Actions
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, June 27-28, 2007
Monetary Policy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Approval of proposal by East West Bank
Orders on Banking Applications
Termination of enforcement action against Standard Chartered
Enforcement Actions
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Final decision and order of prohibition against Michelle M. Moore
Enforcement Actions
Brian F. Madigan appointed as director, Division of Monetary Affairs
Other Announcements
Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies Issue Final Statement on Subprime Mortgage Lending
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Monetary Policy
Federal Reserve Banks Announce Changes To Increase Check Service Efficiency
Other Announcements
Approval of proposal by First State Bank
Orders on Banking Applications
Restructuring of the check processing operations in the Twelfth District, Regulation CC
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Order of prohibition against Joy McClard
Enforcement Actions
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against RBC Centura Bank
Enforcement Actions
Written agreement with Mid America Bank
Enforcement Actions
Board announces availability of online Mortgage Comparison Calculator
Other Announcements
Board seeks nominations for appointments to Consumer Advisory Council
Other Announcements
Eric Rosengren named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Other Announcements
Approval of proposal by Victoria Mutual Building Society
Orders on Banking Applications
Approval of proposal by First Busey Corporation
Orders on Banking Applications
Approval of proposal by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
Orders on Banking Applications
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Banking Agencies Issue Host State Loan-to-Deposit Ratios
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Order of prohibition against William R. Kahler
Enforcement Actions
Approval of proposal by Huntington Bancshares
Orders on Banking Applications
Tentative 2008 FOMC meeting schedule
Monetary Policy
Agencies Release List of Distressed or Underserved Nonmetropolitan Middle-Income Geographies
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Agencies Issue Final Illustrations of Consumer Information for Nontraditional Mortgage Products
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, May 9, 2007
Monetary Policy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Approval of proposal by C-B-G, Inc.
Orders on Banking Applications
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against First Sentinel Bank
Enforcement Actions
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against East West Bank
Enforcement Actions
Board issues proposed amendments to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Board's Consumer Advisory Council will meet on June 21
Other Announcements
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against Orrstown Bank
Enforcement Actions
Approval of proposal by 1st Source Corporation
Orders on Banking Applications
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Monetary Policy
Board announces the appointment of Elizabeth A. Coleman as Inspector General
Other Announcements
Board to hold public hearing under the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act on June 14
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Board begins 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances
Other Announcements
Order of prohibition against Bonnie C. Milne
Enforcement Actions
Order of prohibition against Cheryl McMillan
Enforcement Actions
Approval of proposal by The Royal Bank of Scotland
Orders on Banking Applications
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Termination of enforcement action against Asian Bank
Enforcement Actions
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Agencies Announce Availability of 2006 HMDA Data
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, March 20-21, 2007
Monetary Policy
Board announces final revisions to its 1980 interpretation of Regulation D
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Agencies Seek Comment on Expanded Examination Cycle for Certain Institutions
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Order of prohibition against Tracy Schroeder
Enforcement Actions
Agencies Announce Launch of Improved Website for Banking Data
Other Announcements
Approval of proposal by Bank of America Corporation
Orders on Banking Applications
Written agreement with North Valley Bank
Enforcement Actions
Federal Regulators Seek Public Comment on Model Privacy Notice
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Monetary Policy
Approval of proposal by Banco Santander Totta
Orders on Banking Applications
Written agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo
Enforcement Actions
Approval of proposal by The Bank of Nova Scotia
Orders on Banking Applications
Approval of proposal by The Industrial Bank of Taiwan
Orders on Banking Applications
Written agreement with Banco de la Nación Argentina
Enforcement Actions
Agencies Seek Comment on Subprime Mortgage Lending Statement
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Approval of proposal by Community Bankshares, Inc.
Orders on Banking Applications
Minutes of Board discount rate meeting, January 29, 2007
Monetary Policy
Termination of enforcement action against Bank of America Corporation
Enforcement Actions
Order of prohibition against Seresa Morgan
Enforcement Actions
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, January 30-31, 2007
Monetary Policy
Approval of proposal by The PNC Financial Services Group
Orders on Banking Applications
Agencies seek public comment on proposed supervisory guidance for Basel II
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Board's Consumer Advisory Council will meet on March 8
Other Announcements
Dennis P. Lockhart named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Other Announcements
Order of prohibition against Perry D. Lane
Enforcement Actions
Monetary Policy
Written agreement with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Enforcement Actions
Order of assessment of a civil money penalty against Pacific Mercantile Bank
Enforcement Actions
Approval of changes to Board's Policy on Payments System Risk
Other Announcements
Consumer Advisory Council appointments for 2007
Other Announcements
Reserve Bank income and expense data and transfers to the Treasury for 2006
Other Announcements
Agencies Issue Final Statement Concerning Elevated Risk Complex Structured Finance Activities
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, December 12, 2006
Monetary Policy