The Federal Reserve Board employs more than 500 researchers, including more than 400 Ph.D. economists, who represent an exceptionally diverse range of interests and specific areas of expertise. Board researchers conduct cutting edge research, produce numerous working papers and notes, and are among the leading contributors at professional meetings and in major journals. Our researchers also produce a wide variety of economic analyses and forecasts for the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee.

Last Name:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Field of Interest:


Public Economics
Job Role:
Image of Board Seal
William F. Bassett Senior Associate Director Program Direction
Financial Stability
Photo of Michael M. Batty
Michael M. Batty Group Manager Flow of Funds
Research and Statistics

Photo of David B. Cashin
David B. Cashin Principal Economist Fiscal Analysis
Research and Statistics
Photo of Andrew C. Chang
Andrew C. Chang Principal Economist Microeconomic Surveys
Research and Statistics
Photo of David Cho
David Cho Senior Economist Household and Business Spending
Research and Statistics

Photo of Christine L. Dobridge
Christine L. Dobridge Principal Economist Flow of Funds
Research and Statistics

Photo of Laura J. Feiveson
Laura J. Feiveson Deputy Assistant Secretary Household and Business Spending
Research and Statistics
Image of Board Seal
Erin E. Syron Ferris Principal Economist Money Market Analysis
Monetary Affairs
Image of Board Seal
Johannes Fleck Economist Advanced Foreign Economies
International Finance
Photo of Glenn R. Follette
Glenn R. Follette Associate Director Program Direction
Research and Statistics
Image of Board Seal
Sheridan Fuller Economist Fiscal Analysis
Research and Statistics

Photo of Sarena F. Goodman
Sarena F. Goodman Principal Economist Microeconomic Surveys
Research and Statistics
Photo of Daniel R. Gorin
Daniel R. Gorin Lead Supervisory Policy Analyst Policy Analysis
Consumer and Community Affairs

Photo of Jacob Krimmel
Jacob Krimmel Economist Microeconomic Surveys
Research and Statistics

Photo of Jeff Larrimore
Jeff Larrimore Chief Consumer and Community Research
Consumer and Community Affairs
Photo of Gina Li
Gina Li Economist Microeconomic Surveys
Research and Statistics
Photo of Byron Lutz
Byron Lutz Deputy Associate Director Program Direction
Research and Statistics

Image of Board Seal
Marco Migueis Principal Economist Banking, Credit and Operational Risk
Supervision and Regulation
Photo of Kevin B. Moore
Kevin B. Moore Assistant Director Program Direction
Research and Statistics
Photo of Patrick Moran
Patrick Moran Senior Economist Household and Business Spending
Research and Statistics
Photo of Adele C. Morris
Adele C. Morris Senior Adviser Program Direction
Financial Stability

Photo of Erick Sager
Erick Sager Senior Economist Macroeconomic and Quantitative Studies
Research and Statistics
Photo of Paul A. Smith
Paul A. Smith Deputy Associate Director Program Direction
Research and Statistics
Photo of Michael Suher
Michael Suher Senior Economist Banking, Credit and Operational Risk
Supervision and Regulation

Photo of Erin Troland
Erin Troland Senior Economist Consumer and Community Research
Consumer and Community Affairs
Photo of Nick Turner
Nick Turner Principal Economist Fiscal Analysis
Research and Statistics

Photo of Ivan Vidangos
Ivan Vidangos Chief Labor Markets
Research and Statistics
Photo of Alice Henriques Volz
Alice Henriques Volz Chief Microeconomic Surveys
Research and Statistics
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Last Update: July 22, 2024